Last month, @jeffreychngo and 3 members of @demosisto's international campaign team were in London to continue research for our "Decoding HK's History" project. Our latest vlog (in Cantonese) introduces you to their work, and much more! Check it out 👉 youtu.be/SDQ3UeLXrjs
Fight for freedom. Stand with @BILD! twitter.com/jreichelt/stat…
TW offers *the* best model for combating the Wuhan virus we've seen thus far. The WHO's despicable exclusion of it is therefore not just problematic for silencing an entire country's people on the international stage, but is particularly detrimental to global public health now. twitter.com/stegersaurus/s…
Peoples overlooked by an international system built around the idea of nation-states must work even harder than otherwise to "prove" their "worthiness" for rights and representation, like minority groups in diverse societies. TW has far exceeded that bar and is still neglected.
Hong Kongers have long faced the same problem: limited rights and representation anywhere in the past, despite considerable freedom offered by the British Empire. Since the Chinese takeover in 1997, we've been facing much worse. Solidarity with TW is both moral and necessary!
More on the nation-state framework's flaws: putting countries above peoples replicates unequal power relations. It legitimizes authoritarian regimes that pretend to speak for their subjects and, in cases like China, that claim territories over which they have no actual control. twitter.com/wilfredchan/st…
I like how I'm reflecting on the repression of HK/TW by great powers and critiquing the post-1945 international order here, and then, instead of at least attempting to engage with my argument, these Chinese "wumao" bots casually flood my feed with stupid things like this. twitter.com/XflJasmine/sta…
[A Game-changer for HK Protests] Thank you for interviewing me! As pandemic forces people to stay home, a new game for Nintendo Switch is proving to be a smash hit. @nhk_news World's Takamura Keiichi reports that it's also become an avenue for protest. www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ne…
The Xi regime is taking aim at democracy in Hong Kong, using covid-19 as a cover. @washingtonpost washingtonpost.com/opinions/globa…
We stand with France. twitter.com/martelf/status…
#Beijing loyalist Erick Tsang was promoted to be the minister on constitutional and mainland affairs. He was a big fan of #Xijinping by deliberately putting his picture in his office during interviews. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
I don't believe China will succeed in intimidating HKers but would instead “prompt them to resist”. If anti-subversion law goes ahead, hundreds of thousands are expected to be up in arms again, reigniting protest which has largely paused amid coronavirus. theguardian.com/world/2020/apr…
[Joshua Wong & @KwongGlacier: Let Taiwan into @WHO & stop indulging Beijing – lives depend on it]
Allowing Taiwan into the WHO could save tens of thousands of lives from a virus which came from China & grew into a pandemic because of Beijing’s lies.
Tough choice, but consider China also lies about other things beyond the Wuhan virus, my vote is for the former! twitter.com/MarshaBlackbur…
It's time to revoke Carrie Lam's Honorary Fellowship to Wolfson College, Cambridge University!
Joshua Wong Actions Speak Louder in 2020
“A social movement is a process of turning the impossible into possible. It's also a self-actualisation journey which leads one to identify the right position to take up & how to make a contribution” stated Joshua.
Martin: HKers now face 2 plagues from China: the coronavirus & attacks on basic human rights. We can all hope a vaccine is soon developed for coronavirus. But once HK’s rule of law is rolled back, the fatal virus of authoritarian rule will be here to stay. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…
UN Independent experts fear "harassment, intimidation, and arrest of healthcare workers including first-aiders”
"The international community has a vital role to play in supporting protestors' #democratic aspirations & pressing the #HongKong Gov & #Beijing to negotiate." Thank you for @NDI & @GeorgetownLaw's published joint report "Promise of Democratization in HK." ndi.org/publications/p…
"The current pandemic has distracted international observers from Hong Kong’s struggle and left many local residents fearful of crowds. Chinese authorities know it." twitter.com/jwassers/statu…
1/ Three #hongkongers were slashed by a pro-#Beijing mob with a beef knife, with wounds on her left chest and chin, broken ribs, lungs collapsed with blood, suffering from post-traumatic stress, when handing out leaflets at #lennonwalls last night
3/ He even praised the assailant as "an involuntary sacrifice and a bloodstained victim hanging by his last breath”, while the victims, the ones truly laying in blood, were slammed as "ruthlessly trampled on his right to work, live and survive.”
2/ But #HK Judge offered sympathy to the assailant, without slamming his cruel move during sentencing yesterday. Instead, he violated his impartiality by spending one-third of the time criticizing #HKprotests & comparing victims that just delivered leaflets as "terrorist army”.