3/ Of millions of visitors who have come to HK, how many of them have unknowingly been in close contact with those who have contracted coronavirus? Medical staff went on strike to pressure HKGov to seal off the borders to prevent more people from entering HK but to no avail.
4/ HKGov is incapable of leading Hong Kong out of this epidemic, but fortunately, seven million Hong Kongers are aware of how dire the situation is and are willing to stand in solidarity and combat this pandemic together.
[The statement by Chinese Embassy Bangkok is sheer arrogance and ignorance.] 1/ It is indisputable that the #nnevvy saga was provoked by the Chinese nationalist trolls, by firstly doxing, insulting and demeaning the Thai celebrities and people in Thailand.
2/ Even after the heroic victory & creative memes by Thai people, China has not yet given any single word of apology for its reckless behaviour. The twitter war perfectly shows how China uses its economic muscle & irrational trolls to bend other countries to its autocratic will.
4/ When China has been stepping up its influence in Asia, the threat is now on our doorstep. Therefore, I hope all Asian societies can build pan-Asian solidarity to fend off all forms of authoritarianism from China, with our creativity and fondness for liberty.
3/ When Twitter is blocked in China, China thinks that they can play same old trick & suppress Thai people’s critics. It carries implications for future 🇹🇭-🇨🇳 cooperation. Once cooperating with other countries, China will entirely disregard public opinion in other democracies.
5/ Also, I also call on Hongkongers and Taiwanese to support our allies in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. It is utterly immoral for China to control the water in the Mekong River and let people die of severe drought. China must #StopMekongDam.
In the face of the pro-China barrage, support rallied for the Thai celebrities from anti-Beijing activists and politicians - including Hong Kong pro-democracy campaigner Joshua Wong and a Taiwan mayor. reuters.com/article/us-tha…
After #AnimalCrossing, #nnevvy and #StopMekongDam sagas, my email is flooded with death emails by #Chinese nationalist trolls and Instagram mobs. But this cannibal threat is new… This is the way how #China silences critical voices worldwide.
[World Health Organization is one of the culprits in this global pandemic.] 1/ Under @DrTedros, WHO missed the best opportunity to stop the Coronavirus. When the coronavirus first broke out in Wuhan, WHO simply adopted one-sided account given by the Chinese Communist Party.
2/ WHO accused other countries of overreacting before their experts could even conduct field investigations in Wuhan & other affected areas. When the epidemic in China got out of hand in early Feb, it still praised the CCP’s resistance to the epidemic.
5/ With the 20 million dollars given by the CCP, the WHO has become the CCP’s mouthpiece who would, by all means, protect the CCP’s reputation rather than assume its role as a leader in global health cooperation.
4/ While the WHO has never once reported the ill-doings of the CCP, such as its fake news campaign to blame the US army for spreading the coronavirus in Wuhan, it has constantly criticised the epidemic prevention strategies adopted by the European and American government.
제가 열여덟 살 즈음에 쓴 <나는 좁은 길이 아니다>가 한국에서 번역 출간되었습니다. 오늘날의 홍콩 사회와 학생들의 마음을 이해하는 데 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 저의 생각과 감정들을 솔직하게 담았습니다. 한국 독자 여러분들의 응원과 지지를 부탁드립니다. ‘오늘은 광주, 내일은 홍콩’이 되기를!
Exercise good for health under outbreak of #wuhanvirus #健身環大冒險 #RingFitAdventure #NintendoSwitch
I will be the yellow ranger! #MilkTeaAlliance twitter.com/BruceWayne852/…
2/ The days in prison also made me realize that the most fearful thing is not being put into jail but that ordinary life may one day look like a prison if none of our generations dares to stand up for our civil liberties.
1/ Even though the imprisonment meant a lot to me, I didn't shed tears or have any strong sense of fear when the judge announced my sentence. I viewed my imprisonment as the necessary step for the whole society to embrace the cruel fact that the city’s freedom is on shaky ground.
Over 30 #hkpolice today surrounded & arrested a #HKer when he tried to put a caricature of #Xijinping with #coronavirus head onto #lennonwall in #KwunTong #HK. Clearly, #hkpolice’s only duty is to carry out political censorship & save face for this authoritarian leader of #China.
Crackdown on protest never stops even during the outbreak of #WuhanVirus. At least 12 prominent democrats and ex--/lawmaker have been arrested this morning: Martin Lee, Jimmy Lai, Albert Ho, Raphael Wong, @loktinau Au Nok Hin, Lee Cheuk Yan, Leung Kwok Hung, Jimmy Sham......
1/ It is crazy for #hkpolice to arrest the 81-yo veteran democrat #MartinLee, the Father of Democracy. He is the one who helped draft #HK’s basic law under #1country2systems. For almost 40 years, he has been promoting democracy and human rights in #HongKong.
2/ Jimmy Lai, most high-profile pro-democracy media tycoon, has been critical of #HKGov & #CCP leadership. He was invited by @VP Mike Pence & @SecPompeo to share #HK situation. As press freedom isn't allowed under authoritarian regime of #Xijinping, he becomes the prime target.
3/ As #HKPolice hacked phones of mine & @chowtingagnes & extract our personal information without our consent, arrest this time is more than just prosecutions! Police took adv of this opportunity to hack all phones & gather WhatsApp & Telegram conversations of key activists.
5/ When all countries are now busy combating #coronavirus, the authoritarian regime of #China is now clamping down on democracy movements in #HongKong. I call upon the world to keep watch on #Beijing’s tyranny and #standwithhk.