10/ "It is time for the chief of Prison to be held accountable and to respond to the issue. And the superintendent of Pik Uk must bear the responsibility and conduct an investigation."
[If HKers are Google Chrome, HKGov is just IE.] In Feb, HKers queued up for buying masks. In May, HKGov plans to distribute reusable masks for citizens.
Hong Kong prisons need independent monitor, say activists, as ex-detainees allege abuse. hongkongfp.com/2020/05/06/hon… “What we have experienced is just the tip of an iceberg… but we must stand up against it.”
[HK’s mass arrests are giving police crucial intelligence: HKer’s phones] My iPhone sat in a room on the 22nd floor of the Police HQ, where over a total of 21 hours between Sep & Nov, its data were examined by officers, & hundreds of chat messages exported.qz.com/1844937/hong-k…
#AnimalCrossingNewHorizons......What is the next?
Hong Kong’s youth-driven anti-government protests, which at their peak brought more than one million people out onto the streets, have largely subsided since January due to the outbreak of COVID-19. globalvoices.org/2020/05/07/hon…
“China has been stepping up its influence in Asia. The threat is now on our doorstep. Therefore, I hope all Asian societies can build pan-Asian solidarity to fend off all forms of authoritarianism from China,” wrote Joshua Wong. voanews.com/east-asia-paci…
1/ The police force has recently replaced their Daily Hi-MATIC Emergency unit vehicles manufactured by IVECO in Italy with customised vehicles from Mercedes in Germany. The new vehicle design is also equipped with heavily tinted windows.
4/ Even if foreign countries prohibit the export of riot weapons to the HK Police, the police can still buy weapons in the name of other departments. It proved the current tendering system is extremely opaque!
5/ @demosisto will continue to inform foreign nations to expand the scope of the embargo to “procurement in the name of the government” to prevent the Hong Kong police from procuring equipment via other government departments.
Pro-Beijing lawmaker brutality. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
[HK Lawmakers Physically Fight for Control of Chair of Key Committee] time.com/5834072/fighti… Fire is catching, and if we burn you burn with us!
1. LONG THERAD: I'm very excited to read this brilliant new biography of @SpeakerPelosi — a longtime ally of #HongKong's pro-democracy movement and one of my most admired figures in contemporary international politics — written by @mollyesque.
‘We have power of truth, Chinese communists have power of gun’
When performing elected lawmaker's duty to mediate the situation, Roy Kwong was arrested after being smashed to the ground by #hkpolice. #police knelt on his head, peppersprayed and beat him with batons. It shows how unchecked police force tramples upon our representative system.
Beijing continues to blame Hong Kongers for the political instability and economic damage. But China’s unrelenting assault on Hong Kong’s freedom and legal autonomy guarantees that the resistance will continue. wsj.com/articles/more-…
[@1843mag Interview: Gaming with Joshua Wong] "Oh, shit.” Joshua Wong, Hong Kong’s best-known democracy campaigner, is reeling. Tossed into the amber sky, he spins uncontrollably before landing, arms splayed, in a downtown car park...... 1843magazine.com/upfront/the-18…
Pro-Democracy Legislators in Hong Kong Need International Support! The CCP is taking advantage of the the coronavirus crisis to execute its vision of completely stripping Hong Kong of its remaining freedoms. thediplomat.com/2020/05/pro-de…
1/ HKGov has invited tenders for its “Relaunch HK” campaign as a desperate attempt to restore its international image through public relations & publicity efforts. Hence, HKPRU is of the view that Gov has never genuinely looked at the crux of the matter. fb.com/11267458691068…
Internally, the CCP tries to silence people’s voices. In foreign affairs, it tries to run the show, but this misleading propaganda is useless, because the world, under free flow of information can recognize how's the crackdown on protests in HK. codastory.com/disinformation…
[WTH is going on in HK?] While Beijing used the coronavirus to suppress protest with aggressive measures, it is my pleasure to explain with @dpletka & @marcthiessen from @AEI that why it’s more important than ever that the world stands with HK. aei.org/multimedia/wth…
Beijing continues to blame HKers for the political instability and economic damage but China’s unrelenting assault on Hong Kong’s freedom and legal autonomy guarantees that the resistance will continue. japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/1…
How Hong Kong Did It —— With the government flailing, the city’s citizens decided to organize their own coronavirus response. The secret sauce of Hong Kong’s response was its people and, crucially, the movement that engulfed the city in 2019. theatlantic.com/technology/arc…
Seared with SARS in 2003, & already mobilized for protest against unpopular gov, HKers acted swiftly, collectively, & efficiently, in effect saving themselves. Organizational capacity & civic infrastructure built by protest played a central role in HK’s grassroots response.
1/ Even though causing a spiralling worldwide #CoronavirusPandemic, China has never leant a lesson from its coverups and opaqueness. Even the WHO Representative for China has criticized #Beijing for not being invited to join China’s #coronavirus investigation.