James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

We really do. A log of every time an employee of a secretly-funded think tank appears in print or broadcast media without disclosing who pays their wages would be a serious public service. People would be astonished by the amount. Some even have columns in Barclay/Murdoch organs. twitter.com/ThatNeilMartin…
Why? Because producers need to fill slots & presenters haven't got the guts to insist on guests whose funding is not opaque. twitter.com/mwarhurst/stat…
I feel quite bad about this tbh. I think that when my first book, How To Be Right, did so well (280,000 copies to date or a 'dud' according to the criminal drunkard @GuidoFawkes) other people would heed its 'think tank' warning. The BBC even promised to, I think. But here we are. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
If producers & presenters don't respect their audiences enough to demand transparency from guests, other guests can do it for them. A masterclass here from @DrTonyOSullivan. Kate Andrews was such an effective 'think tank' shill that @afneil gave her a job at the Spectator. twitter.com/JohnbwMayes/st…
And if you *really* can't pull a programme together without platforming secretly-funded lobby groups masquerading as 'think tanks', then at least point out the opacity of their finances. Failing to does such a grave disservice to genuine, transparent & responsible think tanks.
Illiterate & libellous. Someone's had a drink. Paul, seriously, stay at home tonight. Let's make sure this doesn't turn in to yet another drink driving conviction. You could use the time to double check with your 'sources' that they're prepared to back up these claims in public. twitter.com/GuidoFawkes/st…
You really have to wonder just how bad things have to get before we can all agree that we really, really need to be in the single market
They could call the new immigration policy ‘liberty of mobility’. It would be nothing like ‘freedom of movement’. Not least because it would be naff all use to British workers.
One of the reasons Lynch has cut through with so much of the public is the fact that he’s so obviously goal-driven. There’s clearly robust political ideology at his core but his focus is on achieving resolution & improvement for his members. It insulates him from lazy caricature. twitter.com/RMTunion/statu…
Johnson tried to disown nine years of Tory rule, Truss is trying to disown twelve. Remarkable how so many MPs can be committed to completely contradictory policy platforms & how many newspaper editors can keep insisting that the latest leader is the best thing since sliced bread.
There's a real resistance to accepting that *we* have somehow become as corrupted & venal as countries we used to read about; that it *could* happen here. It's a form of genuine patriotism, I think, this resistance. But it's looking ever more misplaced. twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
No words to express how fantastic I feel about this despicable, unemployed fuck’s ongoing obsession with me. @kelvmackenzie’s tortuous & epic mental anguish comes from the knowledge that he will be remembered for his disgusting lies about #Hillsborough & absolutely nothing else.
Many people outside Liverpool still struggle to appreciate the true magnitude of this horrific scandal or the unbelievably despicable conduct of @kelvmackenzie, who even rejected his own colleagues' pleas to pull this disgusting front page. The worst person Murdoch ever employed. twitter.com/John_Small75/s…
The fact that you've probably never seen this complete humiliation of Kelvin Mackenzie is a mark of just how craven most of the British media is. Please watch it all the way through. He literally runs away, squealing, from his own brand of 'journalism'. youtu.be/ErqQxlbNpUg
And then retweet it. @kelvmackenzie is obviously craving the attention. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
What fresh hell is this?
Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Seriously. twitter.com/CPhilpOfficial…
Truss & Kwarteng pinned the economic health of the entire country on the advice of weirdo 'economists' already proved catastrophically wrong about Brexit. 'Lord' Frost is giving interviews claiming that everything's going according to plan. It's Monday.