You wonder how Sunak can stand there, smiling along to this blatant racist dog-whistle. And then you remember that post-Brexit, whatever ethnicity you are, you can't succeed in the modern Tory party without appeasing and appealing to the people who love these racist dog-whistles. twitter.com/theousherwood/…
Not even satire. twitter.com/kurteichenwald…
That's Rees-Mogg screwed then. Unless, of course, she's lying... twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
If Carlsberg did metaphors... twitter.com/adampayne26/st…
Get a ‘party donor’ to pay for the kettle & it will only cost you a peerage. twitter.com/Haggis_UK/stat…
It seems quite fitting that Boris Johnson’s final official speech as PM should involve barefaced lies about Gordon Brown & a suggestion that new kettles might somehow alleviate the impact of rocketing energy bills. Disgusting & ridiculous to the very end.
Looks like a phallus.
(This works in at least two ways.) twitter.com/ABridgen/statu…
From 10am on @LBC, what will you remember Boris Johnson's premiership for? Serious answers only.
0345 6060973
Amazing coincidence that Patel & Johnson have both managed to commission ‘opinions’ that delivered precisely the conclusions they wanted. twitter.com/ProfMarkElliot…
Johnson’s latest con, endorsed & amplified by the worst kind of client journalism, is that while lawyers can’t be trusted on legal matters, they are somehow authorities on non-legal ones.
A collector’s item to mark the end of an awful era. Three hours cataloguing the all calumnies, catastrophes & sundry other crap inflicted on us by Prime Minister Johnson. Also features cameos from @pcaruanagalizia & @SimonMarksFSN. l-bc.co/3CT9F5q
And there it is. Treating the public purse like a piggy bank. I presume he did this instead of scrounging off another donor to make it look official. twitter.com/breeallegretti…
Might crowdfund for Lord Pannick's 'legal advice' on the fairness of VAR. Won't be cheap. Who's in?
Two important things to note about Lord Pannick’s lucrative (for him) intervention: it’s not a ‘legal opinion’ in any meaningful sense & it would not have been commissioned at all if Johnson wasn’t certain he could rely on the Daily Mail to embellish, inflate & misrepresent it.
Cast a cursory glance at Mail headlines over the last few years - from ‘Enemies Of The People’ to ‘Lefty Lawyers Have Blood On Their Hands’ - & appreciate the level of hypocrisy required to now be calling for a single lawyer’s paid for opinion to override parliamentary procedure.
Don’t even need to check. It’ll be the Telegraph. Their comment pages are now so hilariously batshit I’m beginning to think it’s a marketing ploy. twitter.com/thhamilton/sta…
A corrupt Prime Minister, in cahoots with a vile propagandist, has spent huge amounts of public cash on a glorified press release designed to help him evade parliamentary scrutiny. Client journalists & morally bankrupt politicians plan to nod it through. They must be called out.
Hmm. Bit disingenuous. I’m sure not deliberately… All bus journeys in London are already under £2 (£1.65). You can ride as many as you like within an hour of getting on your first one. The amount you can spend in an entire day is capped at £4.95, however many journeys you make. twitter.com/grantshapps/st…
Reg YS65 WWC
Keep ‘em peeled. twitter.com/HelenGradwell/…
This is for the benefit of people asking why London is excluded & anyone unaware that Shapps is borrowing the policies of Labour mayors. Manchester also already has a similar scheme. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
With Johnson, honesty & integrity disqualified people from Cabinet roles. Because he had neither. With Truss, intelligence & expertise disqualify people from Cabinet roles. Because… twitter.com/ShippersUnboun…
Tim Wetherspoon’s pig ignorant plea to ‘get rid of the tariffs to make Brexit work’ is an unintentional but timely contribution to the BBC impartiality debate. If you ‘balance’ people who know what they’re talking about with people who patently don’t, you insult your audience.