James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

There is a *very* strong case to be made that by appointing so many utterly unworthy people to the House of Lords, Boris Johnson has accelerated its demise. However strong the arguments for retention, the ennoblements Zac Goldsmith, Claire Fox & Daniel Moylan will destroy them.
Doesn't matter whether you're flogging counterfeit goods or counterfeit journalism, PayPal obviously has the right to shut you down.
It's hard to pinpoint precisely when Trump's depravity made supporting him disgusting & unforgivable. The 'muslim ban', 'pussy-grabbing', attempted coup etc. For me, sitting down with Alex Jones was a point of no return. UK & US media is still full of people who waved it through.
Can’t chat now, snowflake. One of us has got work in the morning. twitter.com/toadmeister/st…
Lots of ‘free speech’ bros seem very unhappy about me exercising mine. And I don’t even charge! twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
These right-wing, middle class grifters had a wonderful head start in life (Toby Young's dad got him into Oxford), but are very miserable about where they've ended up. So they *need* both a bogus narrative of oppression & victimhood & lower profile losers to pay to be part of it.
It's also why they often have such a problem with societal attempts to help people born without the advantages they enjoyed. 'White privilege', 'diversity training', teaching the truth about British history are all constant reminders that they were born three-nil up & still lost. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
It's just mad, isn't it? These people voted for everything they're disowning, campaigned on precisely the policies they're reversing & created most of the problems they're promising to fix. *For twelve years*.
I genuinely don't know what to say. Which is awkward because I'm live on the radio for the next three hours.
And there it is. They're not even hiding it any more. twitter.com/montie/status/…
This little tome warned in the strongest terms what would happen if secretly-funded lobby groups masquerading as 'think tanks' were not immediately treated with the contempt they deserve. Brexit wasn't a warning, it was a rehearsal. waterstones.com/book/how-to-be…
Look upon his bio, ye Mighty, and despair! twitter.com/CPhilpOfficial…
So, finally, we can agree that no TV or radio producer or presenter should book a 'guest' from @iealondon, @CPSThinkTank, @ASI, @the_tpa, @Policy_Exchange unless they are trying to mislead their listeners/viewers. I have no beef at all with people who didn't get this until today.
Seriously, if any of these secretly-funded shills pop up on a platform near you any time soon make your unhappiness known. We all deserve better. Especially, perhaps, all the people falling for the propaganda & subsequently voting to punch themselves in the face. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
@IainDale @DutchieMartin @iealondon @CPSThinkTank @ASI @the_tpa @Policy_Exchange But surely we *all* need to know who's paying the wages of the people we platform? And why? And even how much?
They don't believe in anything except shortest-term self-advancement. This is the land the Brexit built. twitter.com/PickardJE/stat…
"When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time." Maya Angelou. twitter.com/Peston/status/…
The most fundamental problem with platforming these secretly-funded lobby groups masquerading as 'think tanks' is that we have absolutely no way of knowing whose bidding this identikit herbert is doing here. Just stop booking them. They have literally no right to your attention. twitter.com/SkyNews/status…
The peerless @BBCFarmingToday reported on social care workers (current vacancies in the sector: 105,000) quitting in rural areas because fuel costs have pushed them well below the minimum wage. Think of them every time a Tory tells you our system has been too ‘redistributive’.
In case you didn’t know already, @BBCFarmingToday routinely delivers some of the finest journalism available anywhere in the U.K. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
Surely this should be directed at potential murderers rather than police leaders? twitter.com/lizziedearden/…
I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me to see me looking back at you… twitter.com/MassiveAttackU…
They are rapacious & destructive & care for nothing. (The government, not the RSPB!) twitter.com/RSPBEngland/st…
Tax implications aside, lobbyists being 'seconded' to government roles is obviously appalling. Whose interests do they serve, the country's or their company's clientele? You'd have to be a secretly-funded 'think tank' shill to argue that it could ever be both... twitter.com/Gabriel_Pogrun…