James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Absolutely astonishing thread. Be sure to read every word. If you want to know why your nan/best friend/milkman has gone completely doolally about vaccines, chances are this ludicrous TV station had something to do with it. twitter.com/DrMatthewSweet…
'Jury's out' on Macron, BFF with the fascist. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
Better late than never, lads. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…
If your politics are defined entirely by what you are *against* & never what you are *for* - whether the EU, 'wokeness' or 'the left' - you will end up in some very strange & paranoid places. twitter.com/AdamBienkov/st…
The plural of anecdote is not data, I know, but I am hearing from more & more people who are ready & willing to work in a UK with some serious labour shortages but who are being stymied & stopped by the Home Office. I can't help Shari's daughter, maybe someone following me can... twitter.com/sharicollins44…
A billionaire investor & hedge fund manager writes: "I can't understand how those who were behind this move didn't understand that." Do read the whole thread. twitter.com/RayDalio/statu…
Chief Secretary to the Treasury deletes his tweet that makes a complete mockery of the government's claim that they can't comment on currency markets and that everything's going according to plan... Seriously. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
Are we reaching Suez levels of miscalculation & misplaced exceptionalism yet? Asking for (at least) 48% of us.
Dido Harding is trending because she's landed another plum job. I explained the madness of this last year. h/t @PrivateEyeNews twitter.com/LBC/status/145…
Frost, Hannan & Lilico competing to come up with the most batshit take. Again.
Redwood snapping at their heels. Again. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
Johnson's purge of reality-recognisers (aka Remainers) in 2019 was so significant. It created a party where dissent led inexorably to dismissal. Even if the threat isn't the same today, the legacy lingers. Hence *no* Tory MPs publicly breaking ranks with this madness in public.
The longer they put off a public appearance, the worse it gets.
Not content with turning us into the first country ever to impose economic sanctions on itself, Brexiters have now executed the biggest self-inflected financial crisis in history. But they’re the ‘patriotic’ ones…
Don’t forget that among the many, many traditions & institutions completely trashed by Boris Johnson, the notion of a ‘resignation issue’ was one of the most valuable checks. Even when he finally went he continued to refuse to recognise it. Kwarteng benefits from that. For now.
What do they know? If Lilico, Hannan & Frost say everything's just peachy then everything's just peachy. twitter.com/MehreenKhn/sta…
Liz Truss wished upon a monkey's paw to be Prime Minister. It's the only possible explanation.
Literally none. Next? twitter.com/toryboypierce/…
This lad's got potential in the viral monologue stakes... twitter.com/LBC/status/157…