Even I'm bored of pointing this out, but British politics broke when Brexit lies were presented by almost all of the British media as an equal & opposite counterpoint to reality, gravity, evidence & expertise. None of it can be fixed until the idiocy of Brexit is acknowledged.
Children of immigrants who despise other immigrants probably shouldn’t be in charge of immigration policy. They often seem to be dealing with personal issues that shouldn’t be anywhere near the political space. People who protected & defended their parents might do a better job.
This deliberate & inciteful hatred of humans, in this case refugees, is all they've got. It's all they've ever had. It's how Brexit happened. It's how Gullis ended up in Parliament & Braverman in the Cabinet. It's disgusting & wrong & the next shameful chapter has barely started.
Boris Johnson is, by some distance, the worst thing ever to happen to British politics. A serial liar, a proven cheat, an enemy of common decency. If he has finally buckled under the weight of his own depravity, none of his supporters should be allowed to forget their complicity.
Perfectly normal move by a perfectly normal government in a perfectly normal country.
It seems quite fitting that Boris Johnson’s final official speech as PM should involve barefaced lies about Gordon Brown & a suggestion that new kettles might somehow alleviate the impact of rocketing energy bills. Disgusting & ridiculous to the very end.
This is gross. Utterly gross. It’s possible that the full, unedited answer might offer some mitigation but Braverman’s defence of using Nazi vocabulary to talk about refugees, in response to a Holocaust survivor, is just horrific. twitter.com/FreefromTortur…
The list of things that people agitating for Johnson's return clearly don't care about is incredible when you think about: corruption, law-breaking, cronyism, avoidable deaths, bullying, lying, rule-breaking, Russian spies, ethical breaches, trashing parliamentary standards etc
A corrupt Prime Minister, in cahoots with a vile propagandist, has spent huge amounts of public cash on a glorified press release designed to help him evade parliamentary scrutiny. Client journalists & morally bankrupt politicians plan to nod it through. They must be called out.
It's just mad, isn't it? These people voted for everything they're disowning, campaigned on precisely the policies they're reversing & created most of the problems they're promising to fix. *For twelve years*.
Braverman led expertly by @timloughton to the realisation that if she continues talking she will be forced to admit that the only way for a refugee to get here is in a dinghy. So she stops talking... twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
The fact that you've probably never seen this complete humiliation of Kelvin Mackenzie is a mark of just how craven most of the British media is. Please watch it all the way through. He literally runs away, squealing, from his own brand of 'journalism'. youtu.be/ErqQxlbNpUg
Please retweet the shit out of this thread. Thank you. twitter.com/bendepear/stat…
This Zahawi tax story really stinks. Sunak’s pledge to restore ‘integrity, professionalism & accountability’ has fallen apart faster than a Boris Johnson alibi.
Not content with turning us into the first country ever to impose economic sanctions on itself, Brexiters have now executed the biggest self-inflected financial crisis in history. But they’re the ‘patriotic’ ones…
Beyond brilliant. These ludicrous discussions & pretty much all political panels dance around the fact that we’re governed by dissembling imbeciles propelled to power by the epic lies of Brexit. Presenters like @bbclaurak are complicit. @joelycett just found the antidote. Genius. twitter.com/BeardedGenius/…
There was a distinct & presumably deliberate sense in Sunak's speech that he recognised some of the horrors of the last two administrations and was determined to avoid them. Instead, he's reappointed them
Not to rain on the parade, but it's possible that Nadine Dorries has deleted her Twitter account in order to prevent the House of Lords Appointment Committee from scrutinising the unhinged bile she routinely posted.
Not much of a silver lining, given the size of the cloud, but at least we now know that any producer or presenter using guests from @iealondon is either deliberately promoting their ridiculous, utterly discredited agenda or treating their audience with complete contempt. Or both.
One day soon, our children & grandchildren will look at the last few years of British political history and wonder, more than anything else, why on earth people like Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Daniel Hannan, Zac Goldsmith & Digby Jones were ever taken seriously by anyone...
No matter how flowery your language or forgetful your fans, you can either respect the monarchy & revere the late Queen or you can send Jacob Rees-Mogg to Balmoral to mislead her about the unlawful proroguing of her Parliament. You clearly & categorically can’t do both.
It’s hard to know what to say about this. But I can tell you that there’s absolutely no pleasure or sense of vindication in seeing the Telegraph admit that ‘Project Fear Was Right All Along’. Brexit’s senseless, entirely self-inflicted harms will hurt us all for years to come. twitter.com/Telegraph/stat…
The way Sunak seeks to portray nurses, postal workers, rail & bus staff, border force, paramedics etc as enemies of 'hard-working people' is as stupid as it is hideous.
An absolutely incredible story…