James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

First word of his Twitter bio is 'Christian'. He's in for a big shock if he ever reads the Bible. twitter.com/The_TUC/status…
This is a party that's spent years successfully lying about Brexit being a good idea, Boris Johnson getting all the big calls right, Owen Paterson being innocent & people driving to Barnard Castle to test their eyesight. Claiming that there is currently no crisis is child's play.
Dominus vobiscum, shithead. twitter.com/andrew_lilico/…
Listening to @MarkJCarney on @BBCr4today and wondering, for the ten millionth time, how we ended up dismissing the expert counsel of people like him in favour of Farage & Rees-Mogg’s verbal flatulence.
And then the paper review goes & spoils it all by giving utterly undue prominence to a couple of Times & Telegraph Brexit headbangers who’ve already been proved wrong about everything… twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
A week after praising Kwarteng’s budget in the strongest terms, the Daily Mail today waits until page *eight* before reporting on how it’s all going. Even the Daily Star has it on the front.
Chris Philp is like a less effective Chris Grayling.
Do not underestimate the abject desperation with which they will cling to the notion that Brexit was in any way a good idea. It is not political for them: it is personal; psychological; existential. And this means they can't begin to acknowledge reality, let alone address it.
It is indeed the 'self-inflicted' element of all this that demands the most attention and, I would suggest, a lot less air time for the secretly-funded clowns who helped flog it to the nation. twitter.com/_DavidGoodman/…
I agree with Shelagh. twitter.com/ShelaghFogarty…
"Leader of GLA Conservatives. Chairman of Police and Crime Committee. Past Council Leader. Harrow Cllr." twitter.com/Councillorsuzi…
Well I got this one categorically wrong! twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
The failure/refusal of either Truss or Kwarteng to address what the Bank of England did yesterday, with some success, is just incredible. The central bank intervened to limit the damage being done by government policy & the government continues to insist that the policy is great.
If you pretended to believe that explaining why any other leader would be twenty points ahead of May in 2018 somehow meant you also believed any other leader would be twenty points ahead of Johnson in 2021, you're currently being crucified by your own idiocy. And it's hilarious.
Close your eyes, prepare for the worst, It's the stupidest man in the universe. twitter.com/DavidGHFrost/s…
But there's no emergency! Liz Truss told us. twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
More than six years after the Brexit vote, the Daily Mail gives a full page to Daniel Hannan to explain why he has a better grasp of everything currently happening than Mark Carney, the Bank of England, the Economist, the IMF, the 'markets', credit agencies, the OBR, the IFS...
Disclose your funding! That would really distinguish you from all the Tufton Street/IEA clown cars... twitter.com/RestoreTrustNT…
Johnson completely destroyed any claim the Conservatives could lay to probity, ‘family values’ or law & order. Truss & Kwarteng have torched any claim to fiscal responsibility. It’s hard to see what’s left.
I met two charming Hounslow councillors tonight. One Labour, one Tory. The first just got back from their first ever party conference, the second is heading off to his tomorrow. It’s hard to imagine how different their experiences will be.