The saddest thing about these GOP senators protecting Trump is, he’d sell them out in a heartbeat for literally one U.S. nickel
I seem to recall a different president being content to let California burn last fall because it didn’t vote for him twitter.com/WHCOS/status/1…
One year and 500,000 deaths ago
All I know is Republicans will eliminate the filibuster in a HEARTBEAT if they ever need to
“Here to discuss it: two Republican Senators, a confederate statue and this magic 8-ball”
-Chuck Todd
BIDEN (late Jan.): We will administer 100 million doses in the first 100 days
MEDIA: sounds way too ambitious
(50 days later): twitter.com/justinjm1/stat…
Mitch McConnell threatening to go full “scorched earth” if Dems eliminate the filibuster ignores the fact that he’ll also go full “scorched earth” if Dems DON’T eliminate the filibuster
When allowing people to vote is "devastating" for your party, you might wanna rethink your party twitter.com/ABC/status/137…
If it’s Sunday, it must be Chuck Todd carrying water for GOP talking points
Quick reminder that Brian Kemp improperly purged 340,000 voters from the Georgia rolls in order to “beat” Stacey Abrams by 50,000 votes
“I refuse to live in fear!!”
- Anti-masker guy who owns 1200 guns
Democrats have won the popular vote in seven out of the last eight elections. Republicans have appointed six of the nine current Supreme Court justices. End of tweet.
All you need to know about American politics is that Joe Biden is 100% focused on stopping folks from dying of Covid, and Mitch McConnell is 100% focused on stopping Joe Biden
It is NOT funny that Donald Trump Jr.’s wife cheated on him with a secret service agent,
In the unlikely event of a sudden drop in cabin pressure, masks will drop down from above your seats and half of you will refuse them
Kinda nutty that the Taliban voted against a 9/11 commission
Happy "Get Lectured on Patriotism by a Party that Worships a Draft Dodger" Day
.@kenklippenstein getting right wing nut jobs to retweet pics of Lee Harvey Oswald is the content in here for
We don’t talk enough about how Trump insisted the election was stolen from him, and OJ insisted he’d stop at nothing to find the real killers, and then they both did nothing but play golf