Jessica Chastain just gave the best speech of the night and it'll get overshadowed by the testosterone-fueled violence she was decrying
A fuckin seven-hour gap in the phone logs of a guy who won the presidency on “where are the missing emails?!” is the chef’s kiss to end all chef’s kisses
"Gore asks Saddam to provide dirt on Bush's daughters as war rages" twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews…
Who could’ve predicted Brett Kavanaugh doing something that’s good for rapists and bad for women
One disturbing thing about this new video of Madison Cawthorn naked dry humping his cousin is, a bunch of innocent women, including rape victims, are going to die from illegal abortions
Judging from their actions, the GOP thinks a protest outside of Sam Alito’s house is millions of times worse than 18 small children being gunned down at school
There’s something deeply wrong with your political party if it thinks the word “gay” is more dangerous than an assault rifle
Just a reminder: We didn’t outlaw cigarettes. We just put a bunch of sensible laws around them and as a result hundreds of thousands of gruesome deaths were prevented.
“But cars kill people too!” Yep, and it’s illegal to own or operate one without proper registration and insurance and a license (ie a competency test).
“Ok but because 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms is absolute.” No it fucking isn’t. Can you go out and buy a tank? Laws around fully-automatic rifles (ie machine guns) made those weapons vanishingly rare in the U.S… and they’re involved in zero school shootings.
The cops got Beto out of there about 100x faster than they got the shooter out of the elementary school twitter.com/Acyn/status/15…
Every single TV interview with a GOP politician on the subject of gun laws should run a nonstop chyron with the amount of $$ they take from the NRA
Oh I guess the Jan. 6th hearings are starting twitter.com/atrupar/status…
Easily the saddest thing about trump supporters is they think he gives half a fuck about any of them
The passengers on Flight 93 gave their lives to prevent a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Trump sent a tweet to encourage one.
FIVE YEARS AGO: “Relax, they’re not gonna overturn Roe”
TODAY: “Relax, they’re not gonna ban contraception”
In the last 24 hours, the Supreme Court has basically said “you’re required to take your pregnancy to term so the child can go on to be shot by someone with a concealed weapon”
I almost wish the 'ketchup plate against the wall' and the 'grabbing the steering wheel' stuff didn't come out today, because "I don't fucking care if they have weapons, they're not here to hurt *me*" is the quote of the day
Kinda makes me laugh that their talking point is now "Trump staffed his admin with lying kids just out of college" twitter.com/Acyn/status/15…
I thought Sidney Powell showed tremendous restraint by not unhinging her jaw and eating the entire Diet Dr. Pepper, can and all
Those "games" include "trying to pass it against Republican opposition" twitter.com/Acyn/status/15…