Ben Wexler(@mrbenwexler)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Leaders who have hidden in a bunker and gassed their own citizens include Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump
Oh my goodness watch this
The cops got Beto out of there about 100x faster than they got the shooter out of the elementary school…
Donald Trump said President Obama should "resign" for his handling of the Ebola outbreak in 2014. Two Americans died in the Ebola outbreak. Two.
Can Elon Musk buy Fox News next
So we fired him, he stole a ton of sensitive shit on the way out of the office, we caught him… and now he’s re-applying for the job?
We went from “I can’t vote for that lady because she once used a private email server” to “literally everyone in this administration has illegally deleted their official texts” in four short years
TRUMP: I demand we nullify the results of the last election and that I be reinstated as president effective immediately BIDEN: See, that’s the type of thing a dictator would say MEDIA: Biden Abandons Pledge of ‘Unity'
There is a term for this and it’s negligent homicide…
Joe Biden beat Trump, got vaccines into tens of millions of arms, helped Ukraine beat back Putin, invested billions in green energy, got us back to full employment, cut the deficit, and just pulled off a huge midterm upset. Not a bad two years
“This is going to enrage Trump’s base” Bro, the words ‘Happy Holidays’ enrage Trump’s base
Quick reminder that Brian Kemp improperly purged 340,000 voters from the Georgia rolls in order to “beat” Stacey Abrams by 50,000 votes
Two people we should’ve listened to are Colin Kaepernick and Al Gore
Kinda crazy that Mitch McConnell can literally say, out loud, “I will not compromise” and all anyone asks is “Why can’t Biden find compromise with the GOP?”
To be fair, the alternative was someone who had once used a private email server
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2020: I’m the weirdest year ever! 2021: Can I interest you in three presidents by the end of January
There’s nothing more nutty than that couple hours where all of MAGA is waiting silently to find out what they’re supposed to think
Just a reminder: We didn’t outlaw cigarettes. We just put a bunch of sensible laws around them and as a result hundreds of thousands of gruesome deaths were prevented.
I proudly voted for @ewarren. I would've proudly voted for Bernie, Cory, Kamala, Amy, Pete, Beto, Bullock, Bennet, Yang, Inslee, Gillibrand (and so on!) against Trump in November. And I will risk my fucking life, if need be, to make @JoeBiden the next president.
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STEAL THIS AD How to Mishandle a Global Pandemic, In 60 Seconds From me & @DirectorRic, for you to take and share
I’m going to say something personal. When the former president of the United States has dinner with three antisemites, and one of those men goes on to praise Hitler, and the former president says nothing to condemn him, it’s genuinely scary as a Jew.
BIDEN: I’m not talking about ALL Republicans, I’m just talking about the racist ones who support political violence TUCKER CARLSON: How dare you attack us
If we can go Green Book to Parasite, we can go Trump to Warren