Jessica Chastain just gave the best speech of the night and it'll get overshadowed by the testosterone-fueled violence she was decrying
Hey @GOPLeader this you?
MEDIA: Did Trump try to overturn the election? It’s unclear
TRUMP: I 100% tried to overturn the election
MEDIA: It’s unclear
This is all because one guy didn’t want to admit he lost
“I just wanna be able to be an asshole and have nobody call me an asshole” -America, basically
AMERICA: Where a guy making a PowerPoint to overthrow the government is a one-day story, and a lady using a private email server is a two-year story
So you CAN gun down three people in the streets, but you CAN’T teach school children about slavery
This tweet is one minute old and it’s already aged well twitter.com/atrupar/status…
Welp, one person died while wearing a seatbelt so I guess seatbelts don’t work
As one of the few conservative radio hosts not to die of Covid this month, Larry Elder should consider himself lucky
FINALLY SOME GOOD NEWS twitter.com/jeek/status/14…
“Shooting victims in Oklahoma couldn’t get treated because the ER was full of people who’d taken Ivermectin” may be the most American sentence I’ve ever read
Liberal parents worry about our kids getting Covid at school, getting shot at school, being forced by the government to carry an unwanted child to term, and living in a world ravaged by climate change.
Conservative parents worry their kids will learn about racism.
I’m not saying things are perfect, but it has been more than a year since a U.S. president gassed his own people so he could get a photo op holding a Bible
Why does the hoax virus keep killing conservative radio hosts who refuse the hoax vaccine
One side wants more people to have healthcare and the other side wants to blow up government buildings so I get why folks are just fed up with politics in general
To clarify: Two suicides *confirmed* today. The two deaths occurred days apart. wusa9.com/article/news/l…
Two cops who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th died by suicide today. TODAY.
This is less than a week after Tucker Carlson mocked the tears of those testifying before Congress.
I’m so horrified & angry.
Last year when the vaccines were reported to be 95% effective, everyone was like "that's amazingly effective!" Now that they've turned out to be closer to 98% effective, everyone's like "See? The vaccines don't work!"
FOX NEWS: So patriotic, they’re willing to hate the U.S. Olympic team and the Capitol police
Can’t believe a baseball game happened right next to America’s national pastime twitter.com/Acosta/status/…
TRUMP: (incites a literal riot)
BIDEN: (cuts child poverty in half)
MEDIA: “Biden is Boring!” messagebox.substack.com/p/sorry-nyt-jo…
Sometimes I think Marco Rubio is the worst, but then I remember Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie and Lauren Gohmert-Boebert, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Er