Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

These “BE WATER” mooncakes were handed out at yesterday’s protest. Inside is a message that reads: “One day we’ll return triumphant, and reunite at the bottom of the cooking pot*.” *Protest area outside the Legislative Council building
It’s a very open secret that journalists at state-affiliated media like WWP/TKP are weaponised to harass pro-democracy figures. I worked for one whose home for staked out for months—the point is almost moot. Curiously, it’s one instance police are happy to defend the free press. twitter.com/austinramzy/st…
An army of riot police and raptors are chasing protesters down Nathan Road. By the looks of it they may have the protesters outnumbered.
Tomorrow night, local football fans will form a #HongKongWay human chain up Caroline Hill, home of the Hong Kong Football Association. These #antiELAB demonstrations just keep getting more niche!
Results are still coming in for the #HKDCElection but what we’re seeing already is astonishing: the pro-Beijing camp has lost 100s of seats. All of HK is a sea of yellow. This has been called a referendum on the protests and Lam’s government and the verdict couldn’t be clearer.
Check out this great full-spread Apple Daily feature on ethnic-minority Hongkongers (no “expats”🙅) participating in the #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests: s.nextmedia.com/apple/a.php?i=… It’s not often I get to say this, but read the comments while you’re there. They’re really heartwarming.
It’s astonishing that we’re now in the habit of calling HK “ungovernable.” The civic pride and capacity for self-organisation shown by HKers on June 4th is another reminder that it’s so-called ungovernability is merely a reflection of those misgoverning it. twitter.com/benjaminqiu/st…
I’m not sure which is more distressing: this scene, or the fact that so many commuters are just casually walking past. The sight of masked police officers forcefully arresting schoolchildren has become the new normal in Hong Kong. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
Since Hong Kong’s MTR Corporation has again closed stations nearby today’s (authorised) protest march, protesters are sharing this map of the area’s pedestrian footbridge network and are warning each other to avoid Tai Wo Hau Station, since it’s next door to a police station.
As well as arresting legal scholar Benny Tai and @hkporihkpop director Robert Chung, police have also appeared at the @StandNewsHK newsroom demanding docs from the EIC. Lawyers, academics, journalists—no one is safe. They truly are coming for everyone. news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
In Taikoo Shing mall, people are circling around the ice skating rink chanting #antiELAB protest slogans. Similar scenes are currently unfolding in malls in all 18 of Hong Kong’s districts today.
Hong Kong Story’s Andy Li among 12 people arrested by the Chinese Coast Guard on a vessel offshore from Guangdong sailing to Taiwan. 12人潛逃台灣失敗 包括因《國安法》被捕李宇軒 中國海警正扣柙 hk01.com/article/516136…
As the last human chain of the year ends, Nathan Road is occupied by riot police and raptors in Mong Kok. With just two hours until midnight, those of you calling this the “2019 protests/unrest” are going to have to think fast.
"Who’s next if we lose? It’s beyond Hong Kong—it’s the free world versus the Chinese Communist Party. Will you stand with us?” New #HongKongProtests video short shared on Telegram ahead of National Day tomorrow.
Pro-establishment figures, pre-election: "The pro-democracy minority must bow to the will of the silent majority of government supporters." Pro-establishment figures, post-election: "The pro-democracy majority must bow to the will of the vocal minority of government supporters.” twitter.com/SheridanAsia/s…
From "We Serve with Pride and Care” to “No Burnt Villages, No Mass Graves.” This year has been a trip. twitter.com/maryhui/status…
Seeing this clip from Lam’s “dialogue” shared everywhere. The speaker declares he “loves life” & wouldn’t kill himself. The belief that protesters are being “suicided”—killed by police then found in staged suicides—has truly gone mainstream, and many are saying this preemptively.
According to a medic who treated journalist Veby Mega Indah on Sunday after she was shot in the eye by police, the Indonesian consulate has contacted her and indicated that a case against the HK police may be brought to international court of justice. inmediahk.net/node/1067637
A good time to remember Yeung Kwong, leader of the 1967 communist riots that injured 1,000s and killed 51, including 15 by leftist bombs. Most were civilians. Yeung was awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal, the highest honour in HK, and Carrie Lam offered condolences upon his death. twitter.com/doomsdayspecte…
While opponents of the #HongKongProtests continue claim—with no evidence—that protesters are paid, they’re not even being discreet about creating massive financial incentives for crippling and very nearly killing protesters. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
The air is thick with mace on Lockhart Road after police unleashed a volley of pepper balls at fleeing protesters.
On the morning that Beijing passed a sweeping new National Security Law for Hong Kong, student activists @joshuawongcf, @nathanlawkc and @chowtingagnes have all withdrawn from pro-democracy political group @demosisto.
Laws, rules, “red lines”—none of it matters anymore. They take whoever they want whenever they want. twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
Following a call-out issued on LIHKG, protesters are gathering at TST East Centenary Garden, collecting food onations for students trapped at PolyU and conducting a silent sit-in opposite police lines. Legislators Claudia Mo, Ted Hui, Ray Chan, and Longhair are all in attendance.
Less than an hour in, tear gas has already been fired on marchers at TST East. This is a legal protest that received police permission.