Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

This scene didn’t take place in a vacuum but came after a cascade of unfortunate decisions, in which discourtesy (not even desecration) toward an object was met with state violence against the perpetrators which begot forceful resistance then threatened lethal force in return. twitter.com/jeffreychngo/s…
Targeting violent radicals is one way to make arrests. Another is grabbing the little girl who couldn’t run fast enough or jump over the barrier.
There was no warning before police used pepper spray and tear gas. Both journalists and cops were hit with no masks or protection on, and were begging for water. Protesters tried to shield us with umbrellas and volunteer medics cared for everyone effected.
HKers are gathering in Central tonight to mark half a year since the 12 June rally to stop the extradition bill passing in LegCo. It wasn’t the first protest or the largest, but it was the moment this stopped being just about the bill and the five demands began to be articulated.
Months in the making, the journey of the 12 HK protesters intercepted at sea last week involved an EU national and likely tacit support from Taiwan. Huge thanks to the HKers and Taiwanese who helped us piece together details behind this remarkable story. washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pac…
HK’s Basic Law guarantees both freedom of the press and “full autonomy on immigration matters.” This is why millions of HKers took to to the streets, and partly why @iingwen won by landslide. They could see the death of One Country, Two Systems. Now, surely, the whole world can. twitter.com/BethanyAllenEb…
This screen-cap from Winter on Fire, coupled with a Ming Pao photo of police searching commuters on a Hong Kong bus tonight, is circulating on Telegram. The subtitles read: “They tried to humiliate him, but humiliated themselves."
Tear gas just fired on Morrison Hill Road after two Molotov cocktails were thrown in front of advancing riot police.
Members of the recently formed Hospital Authority employees’ union have voted to go on strike Monday over the government’s lack of action to curb the spread of #CoronaVirus. The motion passed by 3,123 versus 10. The vote was broadcast live at street stations throughout the city.
The people versus Beijing has become the people versus the police newstatesman.com/world/asia/201…
Over 300 arrests made today—nine under the National Security Law. 七一|警銅鑼灣灣仔拘逾300人 水炮車多次射催淚水【短片】 news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
Deeply dispiriting news for all friends and followers of @aaronMCN, as well as every Hongkonger who treasures our rapidly diminishing press freedom. "In response to media enquiries, the Immigration Department (ImmD) does not comment on individual cases” incoming. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
It says a lot about the anti-"sedition" crackdown in Hong Kong that every time someone is arrested under the charge, we all have to wonder what they did. At the very least, we hope, this case might finally make it clear what sedition is now and how to avoid it—but it never does. twitter.com/hkfp/status/15…
Hardly a soul in sight on Tsim Sha Tsui’s usually bustling, luxury shop-lined Canton Road on Saturday afternoon. This is deader than I remember it ever getting over Hong Kong’s half a year of anti-government protests.
How fitting and tragic that @StandNewsHK’s last story before the announcement of their closure was this video on “forbidden words”—the things we can no longer say and the platforms we’ve lost to say them. Watch here until their YouTube channel goes dark: youtu.be/CtsRbo_C9l4
Zhao Lijian on @USAmbUN - @iingwen call: violates 1C Principle (not a thing for US) and 3 Communiques (false); PRC sovereignty over Taiwan “recognised by int’l community”(false) and a “basic norm of IR” (false); Beijing opposes all official TW-US ties (they remain unofficial).
For years, Hong Kong has promoted itself as a global art hub. Now, the legality of artwork in the city will now be determined by a secretive, opaque new arm of the police accountable only to Beijing, and tasked making arrests for political crimes. Let that sink in for a moment. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
The 18-year-old protester shot in the chest at close range by police 1 Oct has been charged with rioting and 2 counts of assaulting a police officer. When I went to the hospital that night, his operating room was already flanked by cops in with riot gear. hk.news.appledaily.com/local/realtime…
Turnout for the “Days and Nights” rally in Central isn’t stellar at this point—unsurprising in this weather—but this centrepiece banner chronicling the city’s six months of protest is inspiring some impressive and moving contributions from the attendeees.
The Hong Kong police officer who recently tested positive for coronavirus refused to wear a mask as requested when she was getting her blood work done, according to reports. Now, two hospital workers who helped her are being tested for the virus after showing symptoms.
Citizens are assembling tonight to stand up for victims of San Uk Ling, a remote detention centre near the Chinese border where arrested #antiELAB protesters have allegedly suffered beatings, torture, and sexual assault, and have been denied medical care and legal assistance.
Latest from 阿塗 gives a preview of today’s Nat'l Day festivities. Protesters have yet to assemble but masked riot police are standing by at MTR stations. Telegram groups continue to see messages requesting that a user just arrested be removed and everyone delete chats with them.
The arrestee appears to be engaging in “defensive resistance,” justifying the use of pepper spray, hard empty hand techniques and takedowns. But internal training documents leaked to @washingtonpost list “do not strike the head, neck or back” as the 1st principle of baton use. twitter.com/danielchsuen/s…
Hong Kong netizens are using the hashtag #HKLastWord in response to news that the government is considering invoking the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, which would enable the Chief Executive to cut off the city’s internet like in Xinjiang—and it is heartbreaking pit of despair.
This on the same day as dozens of armed police were sweeping through nearby IFC mall, pepper spraying people to prevent small groups of would-be protesters from gathering. One Country, Two Systems may be dying but One City, Two Systems is alive and well. hk.appledaily.com/local/20200509… twitter.com/iainmarlow/sta…