Periodic reminder that there are well over half a million non-Han and mixed Hongkongers, and although many of us trace our roots back to the colony’s early days when ethnic Han comprised less than half of the permanent population, pedigree is meaningless.
statistics.gov.hk/pub/B112010020… twitter.com/dancohen3000/s…
At the time of the primaries authorities warned that democrats’ strategy to win a legislative majority was illegal under the new Beijing-imposed law.
It sounded like a joke but today we see they truly meant it: Trying to win an election can now land you in prison for life in HK. twitter.com/rhokilpatrick/…
You need to read this entire thread on Junius Ho's meltdown after a single day in Penny's Bay. Behold the righteous indignation of a man whose political opponents have spent over a year in pretrial detention. twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
I was shocked on Monday night when the Hospital Authority said that by 2200 there were 116 casualties resulting from the protests, the youngest just six years old.
Tonight’s revised figures: 354 hospitalised, aged 0-67.
Ray, one of 7 pro-democracy lawmakers arrested in HK this AM, is the man seen here being forcefully dragged across the floor. He was protesting after a pro-Beijing leader—aided by security staff—illegally occupied the Chair seat to pass legislation criminalising insults to China. t.co/sn2OVBbmrk
A very HK solution:
Instead of giving $100m to the needy, give it to the supermarket duopoly comprised of Jardine’s Wellcome and Li Ka-shing’s ParknShop chains—both of which have bumped up prices and turned a profit during the pandemic—and trust them to distribute food vouchers. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
Some #antiELAB supporters are saying today’s airport action has already had the intended effect, with Airport Express stations closed and long lines of buses stopped on the highway awaiting police inspections. The police have done their work for them today.
(Video via Telegram)
Coronavirus social distancing measures banning groups of more than four, scheduled to be relaxed this Thursday, have just been extended to October 1—not long after a protest march was announced for that day.
林鄭月娥:原定周四午夜到期防疫措施延長至10月1日 news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/compon…
A trend we’ve been observing lately is that these “shopping” protests have turned violent not when protesters begin vandalising pro-governments businesses (as claimed) but when clashes are sparked by the provocative presence of so many undercover cops—which might be the point.
Nine of Hong Kong’s most prominent—and moderate—democrats convicted for a peaceful protest. I was there too, but that’s not saying much: 1 in 4 Hongkongers was out marching that day, in spite of the torrential rain. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
1) That is unbelievably offensive.
2) Shanghai’s borders (not China’s) were open to Jews because it was a foreign-run open port that didn’t require visas or passports (what China condemns as “semi-colonialism") and the Japanese never bowed to Nazi requests to exterminate them. twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post…
This morning police were filmed chasing and tackling middle-schoolers outside Confucian Tai Shing Ho Kwok Pui Chun College in Tai Po, where yesterday around 100 students who wanted to participate in the #antiELAB strike were locked inside a classroom.
#AntiELAB protesters are filling up Central’s Chater Garden yet again today for a rally calling on US Congress to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, a proposed bill to freeze the assets of local officials working against civic feeedoms and to bar them from the US.
The actions of the HKPF have fallen far below accepted int'l norms for the handling of volunteer emergency medical providers. The arrest of these personnel is almost unheard of in civilised countries."
Damning words in The Lancet medical journal today: thelancet.com/journals/lance…
Dangerous driving resulting in light injuries is punishable by nine years in prison in Hong Kong, depending on your political affiliation. twitter.com/hkcnews_com/st…
At today’s 4pm presser a police spokesman claimed this incident in Yuen Long’s Yoho Mall on Saturday occurred the man shoved refused to give way to the police.
Even minor cases like this—in which a simple apology would suffice—remind why the police will never police themselves.