.@joshuawongcf sentenced to 13.5 months in prison while @chowtingagnes receives 10 months and Ivan Lam seven months over 21 June 2019 demo outside police HQ.
This will be the third time Wong, 24, has been imprisoned for his activism. hk01.com/article/556415…
Hong Kong students at I-Shou University in Kaohsiung have begun forming “self-protection groups” after a mainland student tried to strangle a Hong Kong dorm mate who wrote a post-it supporting the protests (thankfully, he was saved by fellow Hongkongers) cna.com.tw/news/firstnews…
Face masks are "a signal of mutual assurance that allows a society to keep functioning during an epidemic."
This is something I try to get across to people in Hong Kong (alas, mostly "expats") who refuse to mask up because they reckon they know better than the hysterical locals. twitter.com/austinramzy/st…
There is nothing more political than “keeping politics out of sport.”
If the detention of Tibetans, Uyghurs, and HKers in Athens last week didn’t make that clear, just look at the runners being surrounded by HK police today for politically incorrect clothing.
(via @hkcnews_com) twitter.com/ofarry/status/…
According to this, HK textbooks are now teaching HK was never a colony because it was stricken from the UN “list of colonies” in 1972. This was in fact a list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, and Beijing had HK removed because UN resolutions promised self-determination to NSGTs twitter.com/initiumnews/st…
Important bubble tea guide for future protest refreshment:
👮♂️ 喜茶 HEYTEA
👮♂️ 茶狼 Cha Long
👮♂️ 幸福堂 Xing Fu Tang
👮♂️ 老虎堂黑糖專売 Tiger Sugar
🎗 九份茶舍 Jiu Fen Tea House
🎗 幸茶舍 Bittersweet Teahouse
🎗 天仁茗茶 TenRen's Tea
🎗 一芳台灣水果茶 Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
Opponents of the protests often say claims of police violence and abuse must be fabricated because the alleged victims don’t go public.
This is why.
A day after she spoke out, this brave student has already been doxxed and is being threatened with death and police prosecution. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
An uneasy stalemate outside Times Square as protesters move forward to meet the retreating police line. Inside, the luxury shopping mall has become an air conditioned refuge.
Now News reports that the man who stabbed a police officer in Causeway Bay has been confirmed dead.
.@Cambridge_Uni didn’t break up with Carrie Lam because she broke up with them first.
Lam has announced that she “took the initiative” to rescind her honorary fellowship after receiving a letter saying she’d “deviated from the principles of academic freedom and free expression."
As HKers are imprisoned and exiled, silenced and traumatised by state violence, we get not 1 but ✌️ @PrimeVideo series about expats.
This is starting to feel like cruel and unusual punishment. How much more does the city need to suffer before they care about actual HKers’ lives? twitter.com/bobbiharlow/st…
More molotov cocktails falling on police in Tsuen Wan.
Amid all the bad news for press freedom in HK today, this shouldn’t be overlooked.
Where as the previous incident of police barring certain media from reporting involved newer and less renowned orgs, both @StandNewsHK and InMediaHK are long-established, well known and respected. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
Hong Kong’s Via Dolorosa is just beginning.
Characters on the cross cast “the tyrant Carrie Lam down to Hell.”
How Double Tenth was marked by HK:
Dozens of police and private security sealed off the historic Red House used as Sun Yat-sen’s secret base (thestandnews.com/politics/%E5%B…) while at HKU—Sun’s alma mater—the Lennon Wall was destroyed in an unprecedented move (hkcnews.com/article/34647/…).
After police leapt at protesters from out of an LCSD van today, they’ve confirmed they’ve been borrowing vehicles from other departments since Aug. That means any LCSD, AFCD, HD or other gov’t car is a potential source of danger—and a potential target. thestandnews.com/politics/%E5%B…
Watching today’s protests from Taiwan I’m shocked with how much I had, unconsciously, become desensitised over the months and accepted all this as normal. Sometimes it takes going to a functioning society with a legitimate government to remember that none of this is normal or OK. twitter.com/Reuters/status…
Organisers have just said over 135,000 people took part in the 45km-long #HongKongWay human chain tonight. Here are some of the amazing photos of Lion Rock being shared on Telegram:
Media raids now extended to @appledaily_hk and @inmediahk as Albert Ho’s law firm is also raided and lawyer John Clancey has been arrested in today’s ever-widening dragnet.
True to form, tear gas has been fired on Salisbury Road. Merry Christmas, Hong Kong.
Incredible scene from an hour ago as dozens of cornered protesters had to climb over the Hung Hom Bypass onto an adjacent walkway to escape police. Some even had to go around the side, atop a gap tens of meters high. Even during a legal march they’d rather risk death than arrest.