An important study from @blish_lab and Tracey McLaughlin groups showing that mature adipocytes and adipose tissue macrophages become infected with SARS-CoV-2. Another potential viral reservoir?
By @RoniNYTimes with comments from @VishwaDeepDixi1
biorxiv.org/content/10.110… twitter.com/NYTScience/sta…
Seeking candidates for TWO tenure-track assistant/associate positions for @YaleIBIO: one for Section of Human & Translational Immunology and the other one for general immunology. We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds. Please apply & RT 😊
A preprint by Michael Simon et al @ArcadiaHealthIT shows that COVID vaccines given before or AFTER infection can reduce incidence of #longCOVID, based on a retrospective analysis of the health record of 240,648 COVID-19-infected people. 🧵(1/)
Our latest study is about an immunocompromised patient with persistent COVID ➡️ treated with remdesivir but developed resistant mutation ➡️ was then cured by monoclonal Ab cocktail. Study by @gandhisk @sneakyvirus1 @epidememeology @marioph13 et al. (1/)
Very interesting. Vaccines can induce immune responses to clear persistent viral infection. Relevance to #longCOVID?
In this WAS patient;
1) mRNA vax (but not infection) induced antibody to the Spike
2) mRNA vax ⬆️ IFN-g secreting T cells
3) Vax cleared persistent 🦠 twitter.com/Primary_Immune…
I am thrilled to give a talk on “Probing disease mechanisms of long COVID” today. I will highlight many other post acute infection syndromes that lead to ME CFS, and present hypotheses and clues on the pathogenesis of #longCOVID.
The dark side of #scicomm is that being out there giving interviews comes at a significant cost. I still do this because it is important to provide facts that are helpful to people, and to combat mis/disinformation that are harmful to people. But the abuse has got to stop 🛑 twitter.com/Nature/status/…
In our study published today, we show;
1) mRNA vaccines (2 shots) induce robust antibodies & T cells to SARS-CoV-2
2) certain mutations in VOC ⬆️ Ab escape
3) prior infection + 2 mRNA shots produce very high neutralizing Ab against most VOC 🦠(1/)
Excellent news! So proud of Yale undergraduate students who are
• 99.5% fully vaccinated 👏🏼
• 0 COVID cases 👏🏼
• In-person learning 👏🏼
Overall, this study adds to growing evidence that vaccines can improve symptoms and lessen the disease impact in #longCOVID.
What is the evidence? An important patient survey from @LongCovidSOS showed impact of vaccines on long covid symptoms. (5/)
An important new study looks at how COVID vaccines impacts symptoms in #LongCovid patients. @thitran3’s team used data from ComPaRe long COVID cohort to emulate a target trial (1:1 matched vax:unvax) measuring outcome at 120 days after baseline. (1/)
Thankfully, we have not seen any evidence of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection or disease by any COVID vaccines to date. Vaccine are not making infections worse, and are very effective in preventing disease. twitter.com/VirusesImmunit…
While we did not test the Delta variant, with its high viral load and transmission capacity, vaccines that induce mucosal immunity (TRM, IgA) may become important to better prevent infection and transmission. (14/n)
Excited to share our work by @BenIsraelow et al published today. We asked what are the roles of antibodies vs. T cells in controlling primary infection, reinfection, and vaccine-mediated protection? (1/n)
Here is my interview on “What's causing long COVID?” with @NakedScientists
Viral reservoir
Vaccine and #LongCovid
Breakthrough infections are uncommon. However, you can get #longcovid from breakthrough infection. We don’t know how frequently long covid develops in fully vax people because CDC is not collecting such data. It is dangerous to get breakthrough infections. Please #vaxandmask
In this new Neuroview in @NeuroCellPress, I discuss "How COVID-19 has transformed my science”. Recounting my personal journey of how I responded to the pandemic, and how the pandemic has transformed the way I do science. Some lessons learned. (1/n)
Today, we enrolled our 100th long covid patients in our collaboration with the @PutrinoLab to understand the pathogenesis of #longCOVID. So grateful to David, his team members and the patients for donating their blood samples 🙏🏼
@thehowie @NateSilver538 I also made this figure in @BioRender to help people understand which antibody test will inform infection vs. vaccination. Hope people find this useful. Please share.
@dianaberrent @DanielGriffinMD I think this is possible, @dianaberrent. A higher viral load exposure will give more opportunity for the virus to replicate robustly in the olfactory mucosa and invade the CNS, after crossing the cribriform plate. This needs to be tested for Delta.
This study found 39 breakthrough cases (85% alpha variant) in 1497 fully vaccinated healthcare workers. Most breakthrough cases were mild/asymptomatic, but 19% developed long COVID (>6 weeks); loss of smell, cough, fatigue, weakness, dyspnea, or myalgia.
Every school bus in the country should be adhering to these guidelines to avoid COVID transmission.
✅ Universal masking
✅ SalivaDirect testing
✅ <2 students/seat with the exception of 3/seat with siblings
✅ a one-inch window opening in the 2 middle and 2 last row windows twitter.com/linseymarr/sta…
How do the various mutations within the SARS-CoV-2 variants impact vaccine-induced immunity? The amazing @carolilucas @VogelsChantal @InciYildirim11 led this study with with help from others to tackle this question - using 18 CoV-2 variants. (1/n)