Prof. Akiko Iwasaki(@VirusesImmunity)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

So grateful to receive the 2022 Johadamis ME/CFS Research Grant! In collaboration with @polybioRF @BjornBragee we will test blood & CSF samples from #MECFS patients for immune phenotypes and antibodies to various pathogens. This will inform us about potential drivers of disease.…
Very excited to receive the book THE LONG COVID SURVIVAL GUIDE edited by @fi_lowenstein. This book has many great insights and ‘how-to’ tips from amazing patient experts and researchers, including @PutrinoLab. Honored to contribute an afterword 🙏🏼 #MustRead #longcovid
Nasal booster with recombinant spike protein or spike mRNA in PACE converts systemic immunity induced by primary vaccines into mucosal immunity ⬇️ Infection ⬇️ Transmission 🚫 Disease Prime and Spike is published today 👇🏽 @tianyangmao @BenIsraelow…
A more general discussion and powerful testimony by #longCOVID patients can be found in this video by @KnowableMag. I share hypotheses on disease pathogenesis and discuss possible therapies. Please listen to the patients and learn more.…
For those who are interested in learning more about how COVID and #longCOVID can impact the brain, I highly recommend this video interview by @KnowableMag of @michelle_monje 👇🏽…
Grateful for the opportunity to coauthor this review with the incredible @michelle_monje 🙏🏼 We discuss pathobiology of #longCOVID in the central nervous system and speculate on chief mechanisms that contribute to this emerging neurological health crisis.…
新型コロナ後遺症に関する私たちの研究についてお話しを記事にしていただきました。メカニズムの解析は進んでいますが、さらなる研究と臨床試験が必要です。世界中で苦しんでいる多くの人に役立つ治療に貢献したいです。是非日経サイエンスの特集を読んで下さい👇🏽 #longCOVID
Very happy to see that China approved the world’s first inhaled vaccine against COVID-19. Convidecia Air is an aerosolized vaccine based on Ad5-nCoV made by Cansino.…
I could not agree more with @EricTopol 👇🏽 While we are gaining more insights into the disease pathogenesis of #longCOVID, we also need to start well-designed randomized clinical trials now! Patients cannot wait any longer, and scientists will learn from RCTs to improve therapy.…
Here is the summary of our findings. There are many implications for diagnosis and therapy for #longCOVID. (26/)
We hope that our study will be informative to others working in the field. We need validation across cohorts. We also hope that these data will help those who are still skeptical understand that long COVID is real, and it has biological basis. Thank you for reading. (End)
For example, can we target viral reservoir with antivirals and mAbs? Can we restore cortisol levels? Should therapy be targeting EBV? Would immunomodulatory therapy against inflammatory cytokines be useful? We still need to identify long COVID endotypes for treatment. (27/)
While we are so excited about the findings of this study, we also wish to highlight key limitations of this study. They are summarized here but there may be more. Our study is exploratory in nature and requires validation. (25/)
In fact, serum cortisol was the most significant individual predictor of Long COVID status in the model, and alone was a predictor wit an AUC of 0.96 (95% CI: 0.92-0.99). Notably, serum cortisol within the MY-LC study was highest in HC > CC > LC. (23/)
Several features significantly distinguished Long COVID (double negative B cells, serum galectin-1, various EBV epitopes) while others were negatively associated (serum cortisol, PD-1+ CD4+ TCM, and HSV1 and HSV2 motifs). (22/)
Finally @rahuldhodapkar used machine learning and found that immune features alone can predict long COVID with efficient discriminative performance (AUC=0.96)! The most informative individual data blocks contributing to efficient separation of groups are flow and cytokine. (21/)
This again is consistent with the report by @SuYapeng et al, showing that EBV viremia at the time of diagnosis is one of the four predictive factors for long COVID. (Note that our study did not examine viremia but infer EBV reactivation by serology)(19/)…
The increases in antibodies to EBV and VZV antigens were also detected using independent assays like ELISA and @serimmune epitope mapping. However, seroprevalence for EBV and VZV were similar in LC and CC. These data suggest recent reactivation of EBV and VZV in LC. (18/)
In contrast to autoantibodies, REAP detected elevation in IgG against herpesvirus antigens. In particular, antibody reactivity to glycoproteins and early antigens of Epstein-Barr virus, Varicella zoster virus were elevated in long COVID over other groups. (17/)
However, REAP did find notably elevated autoantibodies to sodium ion transporters in a subset of Long COVID patients who displayed reactivities agains 6-9 different proteins of this family. Those with tinnitus and nausea had elevated levels of these AABs. (16/)
This is so interesting, giving the report by @SuYapeng et al showing similar reduction in long haulers with respiratory viral symptoms at 2-3 months post COVID. This implies chronic hypocortisolism in long COVID. (14/)
Cortisol levels in circulation were about half of the control groups. Despite this, we saw no elevation in ACTH levels, suggesting an impaired compensatory response by the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. (13/)
Next we examined a large number of plasma factors and asked which factors are most different in long COVID vs. non-long COVID groups. By far the most significant differences were found in cortisol levels. Long COVID group had lower plasma cortisol levels than control groups.(12/)
We measured antibody levels against SARS-CoV-2 antigens in people who received 2 doses of mRNA vaccines. Curiously, long COVID patients produced higher levels of IgG against Spike. Without vaccines, LC had higher IgG against nucleocapsid. Data suggest persistent antigen? (10/)
Long COVID patients also had increases in CD4 T cells that secrete IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6, as well as some that secrete both IL-4 and IL-6. These T cells correlated with the levels of EBV reactive antibodies. Follow me down this thread further to find out more! (9/)