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In the Nintendo Switch version of Super Mario 3D World, zooming in on the window closest to the level entrance in World 3-3 (Shifty Boo Mansion) in Snapshot Mode will cause the entire level to disappear, leaving the player character standing in the void.
In Super Mario 64, it is possible to be blown off the bridge in Snowman's Land in such a way that Mario's hat lands under the star in the ice structure. This will make the hat irretrievable without restarting the game as Mario will always touch the star before putting it back on.
This officially licensed 1996 Super Mario 64 telephone is notable for including very subtle Kirby elements despite not having any Kirby branding. The base of the phone includes Kirby among a cast of Mario characters and the back of the box shows three small Maxim Tomatoes.
The RC car operator is the only human Mario can capture in Super Mario Odyssey. Normally, he is only seen from behind during this. However, by precisely positioning Mario beforehand, there are a few frames where is possible to get a closer look at the man's face while captured.
In Super Mario 64, performing certain actions while above quicksand will cause Mario to experience a "remote quicksand death", where he will act as though he is being sucked into quicksand even though he is in mid-air.
"POWERFUL WARIO GAME 2004" sticker distributed with a limited edition release of Wario World in Japan. I had previously posted a low-quality image of it in 2017; this high-resolution scan has recently become available.
Unlike older Paper Mario games, where character graphics were often split up into constituent parts, almost all of Mario's sprites for Paper Mario: The Origami King depict him in full. An exception is the usage of Thousand-Fold Arms, which uses armless sprites such as this.
The Double Cherry Pass music in Super Mario 3D World contains a musical allusion to the Double Cherry item that appears throughout the song where note segments are reduplicated, as though under the effect of the item. The video below shows an example.
Mario Party contains unused graphics depicting a robot minting coins from sheets of gold. In the entire Mario franchise, the process of coin manufacturing is never depicted; this was possibly cut due to an internal guideline stating that coins should be kept magical in nature.
The computational knowledge engine WolframAlpha contains eight equations that result in graphs based on Mario series characters, which can be displayed by entering the name of the character, followed by "-like curve". All eight supported characters are shown below.
The 1999 children's activity book "Mario's Adventure Land" has Mario and Peach in Diddy Kong Racing, leading to a rare instance of Banjo from Banjo-Kazooie appearing in a licensed Mario work (top left). Please excuse the pencil marks; this is the only currently available scan.
In Super Mario 64, Mario can safely hang off the back ledge of the roof of Peach's Castle bordering the out-of-bounds area (left). However, if Mario pulls himself up in this spot (right), he will immediately lose his hat and die.
The WarioWare series was created out of the development team's low opinion of Wario's intelligence. According to Yoshio Sakamoto, producer of most WarioWare games, the reason the games feature Wario is because he "is always doing stupid things and is really idiotic".
The fourth boss of Super Mario Land, Biokinton, has a very simple design, appearing as a cloud with dot eyes (left). However, the Super Mario Land manga depicts Biokinton as being much more menacing (right).
A demo version of Mario Kart: Double Dash found on a European GameCube multi-demo disc contains an early model for the Freezies seen on the Sherbet Land track, who have the word "COOL" in place of their mouths. Here is a comparison between the early and finished Freezies.
In Super Mario Galaxy, there is a specific spot in the underwater cave in Beach Bowl Galaxy where Mario will clip into his own reflection in the surface of the water, resulting in this amalgam of two Mario models superimposed onto each other.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 contains a piece of music the game considers forbidden: the Yoshi version of the "Forest Dwellers" theme. Whenever Yoshi would enter an area where "Forest Dwellers" plays, instead of playing this version, the game crashes.
In Super Mario Galaxy 2, the further away a slope is from the camera, the less slippery it becomes. This may result in Mario slipping while running up a slope that is close to the camera, but suddenly being able to run up all the way if the camera is zoomed out.
The 1987 "Detective Mario" manga features a character called Fake Luigi, who wears a cap with the letter "L" rotated 45 degrees to the left, making it appear like a "V". This instance of the idea of the evil counterpart with the rotated emblem predates Wario's debut by 5 years.
The Balloon Boo, encountered only in World 4-Ghost Castle in New Super Mario Bros., is always seen from the front. Extracting and viewing the model from the side, we can see it is actually shaped like a balloon, even including a hole in the tail that is not normally visible.
In Super Paper Mario, Count Bleck never removes his top hat (left). However, by unloading the texture for the hat, we can see what he would look like without it (right). Removing the hat also makes it clearer that his visible eye and monocle are slightly misaligned.
In Super Smash Bros., if Mario or Luigi keep rolling against a wall, their models will be displaced from the gameplay plane and can get arbitrarily far away as long as they continue rolling. However, the effect is purely visual; the character's hitbox is still in the same place.
In Super Mario Galaxy, Mario's silhouette is visible whenever he is obscured by a wall. This is not Mario's actual model made visible through the wall, but a separate entity (called "MarioShadow" internally) that is loaded at all times. Details in image.
To this day, any meaning or etymology of the name "Lakitu" is completely unknown. It seems to have been made up without explanation for the US manual for Super Mario Bros. Below is a chart of the history of Lakitu's name across different languages.
The data for Super Mario RPG includes an unused enemy mind-reading message: "I REALLY hate males...!" The game contains many unused enemies, but it is likely the message belongs to one of the eight pictured here, as they do not already have other messages assigned to them.