Supper Mario Broth(@MarioBrothBlog)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

In the international version of Mario Party 2, the ending to Western Land has Bowser and the winning character shoot corks at each other from toy guns. However, in the original Japanese version, they appear to shoot each other with actual bullets fired from real guns.
The color of the Luma that accompanies Mario in the Super Mario Galaxy games is very similar to Cosmic Latte, determined to be the "color of the universe". As these games use a lot of material from academic astronomy sources, there is a slim chance that this might be intentional.
In Super Mario 64, walking through doors has priority over death. If Mario loses all health while in front of a door, he will first walk through the door while dead, and play his death animation afterwards.
When Super Mario Bros. 3 was released, all Koopalings except Ludwig were named after musicians that were still living at the time. Now, only the namesakes of Iggy and Larry remain alive.
In Level 2-5 of Super Mario Bros. 3, it is possible to have a Super Mushroom follow Mario to the goal. If the Super Mushroom touches Mario after he leaves the screen, a headless Mario will briefly appear on the left side of the screen during the congratulation animation.
A 2002 Super Mario Sunshine manga features Mario attempting to design new nozzles for FLUDD: the Ice Cream Nozzle, which serves ice cream, and the Bomb Nozzle, which causes FLUDD to explode. After a terrified reaction from FLUDD, the nozzles are not implemented.
Text seen in the background of DIC Entertainment Mario cartoons often contained misspellings. The most egregious example can be seen in the Super Mario Bros. Super Show episode "Flatbush Koopa", where a "BURGER SHOP" sign (left) changes to "BURCER SHOR" (right) in one scene.
While this is almost certainly only a remarkable coincidence, when Mario enters Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64 from the rear courtyard, his cap is aligned pixel-perfectly with the hallway in a way that would be impossible if he or the camera were not in those precise positions.
In Bowser Jr.'s Airship Armada in Super Mario Galaxy, it is possible to accidentally shoot Mario to a different airship from the intended target. There is no way to proceed in the level or escape from the incorrect airship; Mario must jump overboard and die to restart the level.
Nintendo of America's internal guide for Nintendo DS graphics programming contained bizarre Mario-related example images that combine various graphical styles. Below are some examples.
Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 contains unused functionality to display low-polygon versions of drivers if they are far away from the camera. If it is enabled, drivers turn into low-quality versions of themselves, except for Waluigi, who turns into a low-quality Mario instead.
The AI of the Wiggler boss in Super Mario 64 is extremely rudimentary. It turns in a large circle, but if Mario stops inside that circle, the Wiggler will perpetually continue making the same turn without correcting itself even though it will never hit Mario.
In Super Mario Sunshine, Piantas are not fully modeled, missing some of the polygons that are normally covered by their grass skirts. Their Mario Kart 8/Deluxe model, however, is fully modeled, allowing us to finally see their complete body shape.
In Super Mario Bros. 3, entering quicksand with a flying power-up and flying back out will cause Mario to not assume his flying sprite as long as he is moving upwards. Depending on whether he flies straight up or to the side, he will appear to stand or walk in mid-air.
The Art of Super Mario Odyssey book contains three rejected designs for the game's box art. I have created mock-ups of what the box for the game would look like if they were used.
In Super Mario World, Yoshi can begin eating a Berry during Mario's death animation. However, the game is unable to handle both Yoshi's eating animation and the death animation at the same time, so it simply freezes instead.
In Luigi's Mansion, there is an extremely fainly visible object floating in the darkness outside the Storage room (left edge of left image). Increasing the brightness and contrast reveals that it is a poster of a ghost holding a trumpet (right).
While usually, Nintendo game commercials in the Netherlands are simply dubbed versions of other European commercials, Super Mario Land 2 received a unique Dutch version with brief shots of a live-action Wario, distorted using camera effects.
In Luigi's Mansion 3, the Steward always holds on to his hat, preventing a good look at the shape of his head during his battle. Removing his hat from his model reveals he has a misshapen head, suggesting that he holds on to his hat to avoid revealing it.
In Super Mario 64, throwing a crate, then picking it up again before it hits a wall turns it into a "deadly crate" that has the ability to hurt enemies simply by being touched. The footage below shows some enemy interactions with the deadly crate.
On the Mushroom Bridge track in Mario Kart: Double Dash, if a kart is placed diagonally on the bridge's beam, the Lakitu with the "Reverse" sign will slowly back off until he is extremely far away (circled in last image) and not come closer until the kart moves from its spot.
In Super Mario Bros. 3, hitting a regular Note Block after jumping on a Red Note Block will cause Mario to endlessly switch between rooms, requiring the game to be reset. This also shows that the decorative background items are randomly generated every time the room is loaded.
The coin counter sprite in the HUD of Super Mario Bros. is the most important object in the game, without which it will not run. It is possible to remove all other objects, whereupon the game will start up and look like the right image; however, that sprite must always remain.
The original Japanese names of the galaxies in the Super Mario Galaxy games often try to evoke a serious or dignified feeling, which was changed to neutral or even comical-sounding names (such as "Melty Molten Galaxy") in the English localization. Below are some examples.
When creating the Skeeter enemy in Super Mario 64, the designers overlooked that the game's mechanics make a water surface-based enemy completely ineffectual. Since Mario automatically recovers health on water surfaces, all damage dealt by a Skeeter is immediately undone.