Horrendous report of an Apple Daily photojournalist being strangled by police for 20 seconds. Video also shows pepper spray being used liberally against reporters
As tear gas is fired on the streets of HK, PM Boris Johnson is reportedly preparing to allow hundreds of thousands of HKers to emigrate to the UK in a Ugandan-style 'lifeboat' immigration scheme. Unclear whether just BNO holders but report is v. welcome. Pic via @lukedepulford
Per @HugoGye: Home Office appears to confirm that if HK security law passes, *all* 2.9m BNO’s in HK will be able to come to UK whether or not they *currently* hold a BNO passport.
Same reasoning would apply to further concessions. Result.
Breaking: The Civil Human Rights Front (民間人權陣線) received a letter of objection from the HK Police re the Oct 1st (national day) march supporting the #save12hkyouths campaign. CHRF say they’ll appeal but it effectively makes the march illegal & attendees liable for arrest.
Video from when riot police fired tear gas in CWB, a major shopping district. Captures for the first time in months a hallmark of policing in HK - tear gas being fired, creating chaos & achieving nothing. It doesn't make crowds disperse, it just drives them back. Vid: Telegram
As the proposed national anthem law comes before LegCo tomorrow, Hong Kong is braced for what will likely be another attempt to occupy the chamber. Police have blocked off LegCo already & the HK Confederation of Trade Unions has also called for a last-minute general strike.
HK social media users & bloggers are getting increasingly adept at spotting undercover police; pictures swirl all over FB within minutes afterwards. These are from TKO. You can kind of just tell from their vacant expressions & how they look out of place. Pics: 丘品新聞/Cupid News twitter.com/JackHHazlewood…
The PSHK captured more 📸 of senior expat officers in the HK Police today. On the left appears to be Paul Renouf, a French national. On the right is Brit John Carroll, his massive girth is unmistakable.
Their home countries should be disgusted with their role in the crackdown. twitter.com/JackHHazlewood…
The VC of Demosisto @IsaacChengCKL has become the second person arrested on suspicion of violating the Trade Descriptions Ordinance for making face masks labelled as ‘not made in China’.
Another case of blatant political persecution by the HK government.
Absolutely obsessed with this HK protestor. Supremely cool style.
Pics: @StandNewsHK
Breaking: The UK’s TV regulator Ofcom has revoked CGTN’s license to broadcast as it was wrongly held. States it could not transfer the license to the CGTN corporation as “it is ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, which is not permitted under UK broadcasting law” twitter.com/Ofcom/status/1…
Great @StandNewsHK photograph of the football pitches in Victoria Park as they begin to fill. Many have chosen to head to the Tiananmen anniversary vigil in spite of the police ban on it, despite the risk of arrest & clashes. No sign of police in the immediate vicinity so far.
So the presser to announce the national security legislation in HK at 19:45 Beijing time didn't materialise. Either Ming Pao (明報) got the time wrong or something is up. But 2 hours late, it's starting in 10 mins. Hope your mandarin is up to scratch... hk01.com/%E6%94%BF%E6%8…
Vid from HSUHKSU shows riot police arresting a pro-democracy demonstrator and threatening journalists with pepper pray & batons on Gloucester Road.
The HK Police's new national security department is using the Royal HK Police's Special Branch as a template. British colonial administration bodies & laws have repeatedly been used to justify & give cover to Beijing's bastardised versions of them. Thread:news.mingpao.com/pns/%E5%89%AF%…
The case of a HK Police officer in riot gear taking some drinks without paying has been followed up by @appledaily_hk - legal experts have said that even though the PR wing of the HKPF left payment a few hours later, he still committed a criminal offence.
hk.appledaily.com/local/20200524… twitter.com/JackHHazlewood…