THREAD: I've worked in Hollywood for 20 years, and also helped them cast "Japanese" actors for the past few years. I watched up-close how racist they are when it comes to casting Japanese characters, and I cannot stay quiet anymore. 1/
あ、私、何でこんな酷い事態が事が起こるか良く知ってる・・・。米国の本社が配信先の各国の「ローカライズ会社」を米国内で雇い、そこの「ロゴ担当」が、日本語が全く分からないまま適当にロゴを作ると・・・こういう「MSゴシック祭り」が開催されます。…, allow me to introduce you Mosaic Street. Mosaic Street is a Jpn/Eng crime drama set in a near-future Japan where diversity is already a norm. Starring openly transgender actress Kota Ishijima, openly lesbian actress Ami Ide, and Afro-Japanese actress Ema Grace. 18/
Hollywood really needs to understand that what they have as "Japanese" is actually an extremely offensive and racist stereotype created by themselves yellowfacing Japanese for many decades. Japan is diverse, and Japanese is not a race. 6/
As some of you may know, actual Japan is quite diverse. Mixed-race Japanese is just as Japanese as I could ever be. But for Hollywood, mixed Japanese is absolutely not Japanese. Because they want to contrast "Japan" with "racially diverse Americans", they go full-on racist. 3/
Hollywood firmly believes that "Japanese" is a race, and they insist that "Japanese characters" must look quintessentially oriental. And they're not even shy about this. The first thing they care about when they cast "Japanese" is if the actors can "pass as Japanese". 2/
You may consider me as a Japanese actor, but in reality, even I don't look oriental enough to be their version of "Japanese". I cannot tell you how many times I was asked at auditions "Are you Japanese? But you're so tall." "Are your BOTH parents Japanese?" 4/
When I worked on Melissa and Joey, they asked if my hair was real. I said "yes", and they strait-faced said to me "But all Japanese are straight-haired." I explained to them that's not so, but nonetheless, they straightened my hair because they felt I don't look "authentic". 5/
映画「渇き。」でヌードNGの前提だったのに撮影日にレイプシーンでバストトップ露出を強要→撮影を止めたら300万円/日の損害だとPより脅迫→中島哲也監督が編集で不都合なシーンのカットを約束→約束を反故にして映画公開→女優は自殺未遂&芸能界引退 酷すぎる。#MeTooJapan…
先日、某大手新聞記者からのインタビューで「どうして告発先に週刊誌を選んだんですか?」と聞かれました。僕はこう答えました 「それはあなた達は報じないからです」 週刊誌は告発があった際、独自にその正当性を調査し「告発が信用に足る」と判断したら「物的証拠」が無くとも報じてくれます。(続
You cannot imagine how agonizing for me when I'm asked by young mixed Japanese actors for advice on how to make it in Hollywood. Because Hollywood has been pumping and drumming the importance of "diversity", they were tricked into believing Hollywood is inclusive. It is not. 7/
Please give me 10 minutes of your day so that I can update you on what "Japan" is supposed to look like. It looks like this! It is VERY diverse, and it is modern. ...just as modern as the US! Let me say once and for all that THIS IS JAPAN in 2022. 🇯🇵 19/…
#拾われた男 (アメリカ編) 8話の、タケシが子役に怒鳴るこのシーンですが、3歳の子役に心的ストレスを与えないよう「口パク」で撮影されています。しかも「お兄ちゃんが変な顔をするから、そしたら驚いた反応をしてね」という「お芝居ゲーム」として演出されています。これが2022年の日本の演出です。
Of course the Jpn ent. industry is to blame as well. Believe it or not, Japan has literally zero minority representation, and I'm not even being hyperbolic. Though there have been hundreds of Jpn films having a gay man as a lead, none of them has an openly gay man. None. 11/
Many mixed Jpn have experienced being treated as foreigners even though they were born and raised in Japan. This is what happens when there's absolutely no representation. It affects how people think of what "normal society" looks like. /13…
誰ですかこの英語のめちゃくちゃ上手い俳優さんは #鈴木亮平 #TokyoMER