The job of these people is to get you to vote for the Conservative Party; I suspect their actions will have the opposite effect. twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
Graham Brady’s house this morning:
#kitileaks Boris Johnson’s staff reading the Sue Gray report
Boris Johnson playbook:
- Avoid question
- Say the opposite of what he’s previously said without acknowledging that he’s saying the opposite of what he previously said
- Waffle some nonsense until questioner gets bored
- Repeat twitter.com/Steven_Swinfor…
John Howell, Henley
Has publicly said he won’t be commenting during the ongoing police investigation.
The government line: twitter.com/bbclaurak/stat…
As an added bonus the likes of Kwarteng are happy to look absurd to service a Prime Minister on borrowed time, by making risible claims like “people don’t think fraud is a crime”
This obviously isn’t sustainable but it is hugely damaging.
A reminder that Johnson’s “allies” were generally the ones breaking the law with him. Also strange how not commenting until the police complete their investigation doesn’t seem to apply anymore if it suits the Big Dog… twitter.com/SebastianEPayn…
A reminder that Boris Johnson has previously named Mayor Vaughn as his political hero. Seriously.
This would be more believable if Alok Sharma (who Johnson appointed) hadn’t been in tears yesterday and apologising for failing… twitter.com/BBCBreaking/st…
Sorry latest huge crisis that threatens to topple this clown car of a government, you’ll have to wait in line… twitter.com/SkyNews/status…
The people don’t want to be in the rubber boats… twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
UK government, May 2020: “Right from the start, it’s been clear that this horrible virus affects older people most. So right from the start, we’ve tried to throw a protective ring around our care homes.” twitter.com/SkyNewsBreak/s…
Tom Hunt, Ipswich
He has said a line cannot be drawn under the current saga till the full report is published.
Accepting the unacceptable. twitter.com/estwebber/stat…
In fairness there’s few things Michael Gove says that don’t make me laugh. twitter.com/adampayne26/st…
The problem with exponential growth is that the numbers just keep getting bigger. twitter.com/BBCBreaking/st…
This changes everything; Tories will now have to say we can’t come to conclusions “until the *police* investigation is complete” rather than “until the Sue Gray investigation is complete”. Game changer. twitter.com/Peston/status/…
Does he know that most people don’t have 6/7/8+ children (delete as appropriate) to split the costs between?
If the Tories want more homeowners they just need to build more houses, but they won’t do that because it will make rich old people feel poorer. twitter.com/Tony_Diver/sta…
Pen and the team @Nowzad are doing all they can to help the animals of Afghanistan. I can’t thank them enough for what they’re doing and hope they get the help they desperately need from the government
nowzad.com/our-work/our-m… twitter.com/PenFarthing/st…
Kieran Mullan, Crewe and Nantwich
“The fact that I haven’t said he should resign does not mean that I accept or condone what has gone on, or that I agree that he should carry on. It means I want to take a decision with the full facts”
If you want a laugh today have a look through the entries for our caption competition - they had me in stitches. And the winner is… twitter.com/Number10cat/st…
#kitileaks Rules are for the little people… twitter.com/BBCPolitics/st…
It’s OK not to be OK. Talking can help x twitter.com/TimetoChange/s…