Eugene Lee Yang(@EugeneLeeYang)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

The two types of people who love Halloween: TYPE 1 🧡 - the fun person who prepares multiple so-so costumes and attends parties over several days. TYPE 2 🖤 - the obsessive person who works months on one awesome costume for a single night out - by then is too tired to have fun.
Me (on right) staying home all weekend to work on finishing costume details while my friends (on left) go out as sexy animals
When I watch teen dramas with sexy, cool characters I wish there were a show about MY high school experience but then I realize it would just be six seasons of me doing homework, rehearsing after school, never dating, and staying in to watch teen dramas with sexy, cool characters
“This doesn’t taste very good,” I said to myself as I finished yet another entire carton of Halo Top.
leaves change color 🍂 weather turns chilly 💨 people get spooky 🎃 *HEAVY BREATHING INTENSIFIES*
There needs to be a special term for those like me who get extremely awkward and nervous when meeting new people but instead of looking shy, we somehow appear intimidating and aloof and strangers get the impression we're bitchy. Externally mean when internally anxious. Meanxious?
I've been in the presence of countless people I admire at events and social gatherings and can't muster up the courage to talk to them. I forget my face settles in a way where I appear unapproachable and disinterested when, inside, I'm actually screaming, "PLEASE BE MY FRIEND!"
My entire life has been making amazing friends with people...the SECOND time they meet me. Most of my close friends will agree that, "oh yeah, the first time I met you, I assumed you were a dick/bitch/asshole/unfriendly."
I feel like even as an adult, every time I leave a party or meeting or pass someone on the street, I walk away thinking like people either hated me, were scared of me, or thought I hated them for some reason. Probably a big part of why it's tough for me to make friends.
I would smile more, but smiling for me is highly reactive - I have to feel something funny or joyful. It's not a natural resting state. Therefore, I have to lead new social interactions not with my smiling, open demeanor, but solely with my words, and that's so fucking stressful.
When I see someone I want to talk to, I can't invite them with a smile or cute small talk, so I brainstorm a million different things to say, my anxiety rises, my face hardens, until I slowly realize that they've been staring at me staring BACK at them icily, and they run away.
If you see me out, feel free to approach me, I'm typically a blast to hang out with. Most everyone says, "wow I thought you'd be mean!" Nope, I'm just a mean-faced/anxiety-ridden, standoffish/fun-loving, conflicted person. This has been today's episode of "Eugene Has Feelings."
My legendary Korean sister @KimChi_Chic guest stars in a very special @tryguys video tomorrow! 🍩💜💋
🎃 MY ASIAN HALLOWEEN TRADITION ✌️ 2009 - Russell 2010 - Rufio 2011 - Tiger 2012 - Zombie Samurai 2013 - Jubilee 2014 - Scorpion 2015 - Magnus Bane 2016 - Ash Ketchum 2017 - Rita Repulsa 2018 - ??? Any guesses on what I've been saving for my 10th costume? 🐉
Alexa, play Reflection 🐉 #Mulan #Halloween18
“Now add a cricket just for luck” 🦗 #Mulan #Halloween18
I think I speak for every Asian when I say Queen @MingNa’s recognition has brought me honor. Honor on my whole family. Honor on my cow. 🙏…
My fellow Asian-Americans, now is the MOST critical time to engage your family members who can VOTE. Asians are often overlooked but incredibly important in elections. Our homes must become more receptive to open political discourse, and it can start with making your voice heard.
I feel strongly that there are four main "houses" that kids interested in science nerd-out the most over. Which did you belong to? 🦕🤖🦈🚀
🌿🦕 her face is beat 🦖🌿
We’re all just middle-stage Pokémon, no longer cute and innocent, not yet in our powerful final form, awkwardly navigating our weird bodies while hoping that every stupid thing we do is largely forgettable.
Y'all wanna see a real fight Ask your Asian friends whose culture has the best soup 🍜
It ain't ramen *ducks and covers*
For historical context, the youth vote for midterms is dismally low. 2014 had the lowest youth registration and turnout rate ever recorded. It's why we keep encouraging you to #GoVote, because YOUNG AMERICANS CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE in this and every election. #IVoted
“What’re you having for dinner tonight?” “My news feed, a prolonged anxiety attack, and several bottles of wine.” #ElectionNight