"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
[#HKpolice, the Ministry of Truth of 21st century’s #HongKong]
1/ For the first time, #HKPolice attended #UN Human Rights Commission recently after civilians, journalists, elderly, pregnant women & #HKProtesters were forcibly & unreasonably shot, beaten & tortured by them.
アグネス・チョウの、8年の青春は、全て香港社会運動へと、捧げてきました。本日、彼女は、国安法により逮捕後初めて、再度警察署へ出頭しました。どうか、引き続き皆様の応援の程よろしくお願いします。youtu.be/ZcM9o266XKM @chowtingagnes
For their Union Square rally today, our friends in New York did a splendid job building a full-size replica of Prince Edward Station's Exit B2. One year on, there are still so many unanswered questions about the August 31 incident. We demand the truth. twitter.com/NY4HK/status/1…
2. Four years ago, I went to Bangkok for speaking events at Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University. But the Thai government blacklisted me at Beijing's request and detained me from Suvarnabhumi Airport for over 12 hours. hongkongfp.com/2016/10/06/jos…
2. Amid textbook censorship, #HKers feel their pains. Please listen to their message to the world - Thai education has made us puppets. We are not robots of the system, we are the youth and have the right to express ourselves. #หนูรู้หนูมันเลว #standwiththailand #MilkTeaAlliance
[Seeking justice amid stalking by unknown agents]
1. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, the world may be wondering how it affects the daily life of ordinary #Hongkongers, especially #Hongkongprotestors. Chinese-style surveillance and stalking is one thing.
Over 30 #hkpolice today surrounded & arrested a #HKer when he tried to put a caricature of #Xijinping with #coronavirus head onto #lennonwall in #KwunTong #HK. Clearly, #hkpolice’s only duty is to carry out political censorship & save face for this authoritarian leader of #China.
1/ Despite foreign doubts and #Hongkongers’ criticism, #NPC just passed #nationalsecuritylegislation. # China unilaterally imposes the law with its legislation entirely under a black box, with no legislative scrutiny and public consultation.
The Hong Kong police now grants access to ground operations only to “trusted media outlets”: On Monday, reporters from Reuters, Agence France-Presse and The Associated Press, among others, reportedly were blocked from the scene of the raid at Apple Daily. cn.nytimes.com/opinion/202008…
As #coronavirus rages, 🇨🇳 merchants snap up masks in almost all countries, which makes us difficult to buy one. As HK's stock is drying up, @demosisto has just bought 100000 masks from the #US. We will continue to find mask supplies worldwide & bring more good news to #HKers
Hey @Google, why there is no search suggestion on "黃色" if we search it on your search engine? Is this political censorship?
(黃色 means Yellow, which is the colour of Pro-Democratic Camp; 藍色 means Blue, which is the colour of Pro-Beijing Camp.)
"Now is the beginning of the end and time is really running out in Hong Kong, and that's the reason for us, even under the outbreak of COVID-19. We still need to gather our strength to protest," said democracy activist Joshua Wong.
After #AnimalCrossing, #nnevvy and #StopMekongDam sagas, my email is flooded with death emails by #Chinese nationalist trolls and Instagram mobs. But this cannibal threat is new…
This is the way how #China silences critical voices worldwide.
That’s the way for him to secure his personal safety in Mainland China. We knew it. Hope he will not be prosecuted and jailed by the Communist Regime. Sad. t.co/1i0vxFlFgv
조슈아 웡은 “디즈니는 중국 정부에 굽신거릴 뿐만 아니라, 류이페이는 공개적으로 홍콩에서 경찰들이 저질렀던 무자비한 행위들에 대해 옹호했었다. 나는 인권을 믿는 여러분 모두가 #보이콧 뮬란(BoycottMulan)을 하길 바란다고 지난 4일 트위터를 통해 호소했다.
Asian collaboration will enhance the unity of youths. China should realise sharp power expansion & Wolf Warrior diplomacy is not working. If anyone believes in democracy & against authoritarian crackdown, they could recognize as part of #MilkTeaAliance. time.com/5904114/milk-t…
I believe @JimmyLaiApple would be really impressed when he knew hundred thousands HKers went to purchase
(I purchased around 04:23am)
[EU should take actions before China scraps its promise]
1/ By unilaterally imposing an ill-defined #nationalsecuritylaw and a #secret-police agency, China is clearly scraping its promise of Joint Declaration and rewriting rules.
Call for the resignation of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General