2/ The days in prison also made me realize that the most fearful thing is not being put into jail but that ordinary life may one day look like a prison if none of our generations dares to stand up for our civil liberties.
5. While #Beijing's #HK chief Xia Baolong is notorious for burning crosses & demolishing churches in China, not to mention that #CCP long considers religious activities as potential threats to #nationalsecurity, it is worrying similar religious crackdown will soon extend to HK.
2.3/ China is now scraping the promised autonomy in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a legally binding international treaty at the United Nations. Hence, it also carries deadly implications to other agreements and cooperations with China.
1.2/ More importantly, praising the superiority of China over the western liberal democracies. This narrative is tightly connected to President Xi Jinping's personality cult, as his authority has been deeply challenged since the outbreak.
Nach dem Lockdown flammen die Demonstrationen in Hongkong wieder auf. Im Interview spricht Protestführer Joshua Wong über Chinas Sicherheitsgesetz, Hongkongs Zukunft – und was er von US-Präsident Donald Trump erwartet. blick.ch/news/ausland/p…
7 When #China promises to take action, its tolerance on green activism is litmus test of its willingness to implement the plan.Don't forget China's 2015 documentary #UnderTheDome on air pollution was banned within a week after unveiling failure of Chinese regulations on pollution
2/ China is also gearing up for its punitive diplomacy. A few weeks ago, Beijing introduced the vaguely worded “unreliable entity list”, under which CCP leaders have full discretions to impose economic sanctions on businesses that perceivably don't bow to its political red lines.
[단독 인터뷰] ‘홍콩 민주화 주역’ 조슈아 웡 “영국은 구명보트...홍콩정부, 신뢰 잃어”
I invite everyone to post #StandWithHK on the wall of @zlj517 Lijian Zhao and other Chinese propaganda-twitterers on each of their Twitter-post, it would render the Chinese propaganda accounts pretty much useless, especially about the despicable acts of their government.
“Hong Kongers were right to oppose the extradition law,” she said. “I tell you as a person who has experienced it. If the extradition law was passed last year, hundreds and thousands of families would be facing the same situation as me.”
2/ I am charged with participating in an unauthorized assembly on 5th October last year, and I have violated the draconian anti-mask law, which was later ruled unconstitutional by local courts.
【홍콩인의 인권을 보장하라! 체포된 12명의 홍콩인을 송환할 것을 요구한다.】
가족들이 의뢰한 변호사와 구류된 12명의 홍콩인들이 만날 수 있도록 하라. 중국 구류된 시민들에게 적절한 약을 제공할 것을 요구한다. 중국 구류자들에게 전화를 허가할 것을 요구한다.
#Update: Another pro-democracy lawmaker @tedhuichifung was also arrested this morning.
7/ Technically instead of sending to China, DNA data could be directly handed over to the city’s newly established #nationalsecurity agency. Also, there is a loophole in #Hongkong’s law on personal data, which fails to bar data transfer to #China.
14/ Our resistance will continue on and we hope the world can stand with us in the upcoming uphill battle! To support our fight for the city’s future, I have opened a new Patreon account to share my thoughts on HK’s future. Please support me: patreon.com/posts/39911873
[Speech is never free in a place under authoritarian rule]
1/ My just-released book, #UnfreeSpeech was part of my contemplation when I was in jail. Speech is never free, especially when you face imprisonment & deprivation of your rights for defying unjust laws and orders.
4. Compared to the sacrifice that the city’s young souls have made, mine is negligible. I hope #Hongkongers and the world can continue standing with them when dissents are thrown into prisons one by one.
3/ There is a high chance that I will be sentenced to jail. If I am convicted, I can face up to a maximum of 5 years in jail for unauthorized assembly and 1 year for wearing a mask.
Local and overseas companies should consider diversifying their markets to avoid overdependence on China. Liberal democracies should consider banding together to offer protection to individual companies that find themselves trapped in fights with Beijing.