Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

It's funny in two ways. 1) A self-proclaimed Communist Party is trying to criticize the world's most renowned haven of neoliberalism from the right, as if lecturing Hong Kongers: "You folks aren't laissez faire enough!" Don't pro-Beijing left-wingers in the West see the irony?
Joshua Wong: "Jetzt ist nicht die Zeit aufzugeben und Angst zu haben"…
【ร่วมลงนามพร้อมกันทั่วโลก: เพื่อพิทักษ์สิทธิมนุษยชนของชาวฮ่องกง ขอให้รัฐบาลจีนปล่อยตัวชาวฮ่องกงทั้ง 12 คนโดยทันที】 เราขอให้รัฐบาลฮ่องกงปกป้องสิทธิของคนฮ่องกงและนำคนฮ่องกงทั้ง 12 คนออกจากจีนกลับยังฮ่องกงโดยทันที…
4/ In the new year, we will stay united until democracy and freedom come to our city.
The West Kowloon Court on Tuesday adjourned the case against 26 leading pro-democracy activists over the Tiananmen massacre candlelight vigil to October 15, pending the prosecution’s request to transfer the cases to the District Court.…
Worth to read it.… “Even though I may have some differences in the political field with Martin, whether on how we recognize street activism, the use of force, etc., I still have full respect for him,” said Joshua Wong, the 24-year-old politician.
2. 저는 이것에 대해 진심으로 감사를 표하고 싶습니다. 하지만 국가보안법이 통과되고 중국의 인민해방군이 ‘참수’라는 저격훈련을 공개한 상황 속에서 홍콩의 민주항쟁에 뛰어드는 것이 생명의 안전을 걱정해야 하는 일이 된 것은 더 이상 터무니없는 이야기가 아니게 되었습니다.
A communist party member for a top job at HKU? by @yingworld
3/ Beijing proposed a CCP-led secret police intelligence agency under the ill-defined national security law. Similar to how it treats dissidents in China, Beijing is staging the biggest crackdown in the city after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in a silent but violent manner.
2/ ...사람들과 교류하고 이야기를 나누며 피켓을 들고 호소문을 나누어 주고 있습니다. 그렇지만 모든 것이 쉽지만은 않습니다. 중국 공산당의 블랙리스트 최우선 순위에 올라 종신형에 처할 위험과 무기 징역에 처해질 가능성을 앞에 두고 우리는 극단적으로 강한 척 가장할 필요는 없습니다.
2.2/ However, we are just the one who tell the truth of autocratic oppression and police brutality to the world. A few days ago, the CCP's mouthpiece, CCTV, publicly accused Nathan Law and me as the leaders behind the movement even though HKProtest is well known as a leaderless.
Beijing is putting more pressure on hk courts when NPCSC openly slammed court’s ruling on anti-mask law as unconstitutional. CCP stated to “strengthen law & enforcement mechanisms to safeguard national interests” All are alarming & we should stay alert to Chinese interference.
3. Solely in March this year, pro-#Beijing Exco members like Bernard Chan and Regina Ip had joined international lobbying during their official visit to the US.
3/ The three protesters, whose names were given only as Tom, Ivan, and Jackson, were all held in Pik Uk Correctional Institution, a centre in the district of Sai Kung that is used for inmates aged 21 or under, Wong’s group said.…
13/ It worries me to see this highly contagious Wuhan-virus have infected people in Europe, and I fear there will be more cases after Lunar New Year as many Chi students will travel back to Europe from Chi after holidays, increasing the risk of the virus being transmitted.
3. Four years ago, no one would believe what had happened in #HK, with #policebrutality, arbitrary prosecution, draconian #NationalSecurityLaw, censorship, disqualification, election cancellation and media meltdown, with 9000+ #HKers arrested and 12 youths now detained in #China.
3/ To protect the personal safety of my friends and mine, I am considering hiring a personal bodyguard and driver, which may be a new financial burden. However, after a whole year of resistance, Hongkongers will not surrender.
16/ Some groups bought up stashes of the paper to distribute for free to passers-by. More than 500,000 copies had to be printed in total, five times the usual. Hong Kongers will keep finding ways, big and small, to resist.
3/ 사건이 발생하고 지금까지 홍콩정부는 이와 관련된 정보를 대외적으로 공포하지 않고 있습니다. 4/ 아래 페이지에는 구류된 홍콩인 12명에 대한 지속적인 관심을 유지하기 위해 관련 상황과 정보를 부정기적으로 게재할 예정입니다. @save12hkyouths
2. It is worrying, under #nationalsecuritylaw, foreign passport holders are deprived of basic rights of access to family-appointed lawyers, which is claimingly promised in #China’s law, esp when 4 lawyers were forced to quit the case due to unusual pressure from #CCP authorities.
2. As the journalist is a non-American national working in a local news outlet, clearly nothing to do with #US-#China tension, it shows an alarming acceleration of #Beijing’s clampdown on the city’s media freedom, soon after the arrest of the pro-democracy media mogul #Jimmylai.
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the World Health Organization (WHO) to lift its ban on Taiwanese journalists, which violates the universal right to information and is undermining efforts to combat the coronavirus epidemic.…
2. Clearly, this is another game censorship after the recent ban on Animal Crossing, which #Hongkongers take our activism into video games. And also #Blizzard saga last year, where a Hearthstone player was banned for supporting #Hongkong.
2/ Kowtowing to China's authoritarian rule & keeping silent on HK's human rights matters are just appeasement policy in 21st century. As recent reports on Chinese defector William Wang suggest, Beijing is exporting its covert operations & political infiltration in HK & Australia.
3/ ...、私は全く心の準備をできていなくて、パニックになり、震える手で友達に「police」の一文字を送った。それはあの時の私が唯一できることだった。警察は2時間かけて、私の部屋だけじゃなく、リビング、屋上、両親の部屋など家中を捜査した。