Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

4/ I find it empowering because despite the physical distance -- like, I don’t think I can travel to Thailand for the rest of my life -- the people from two places, are facing similar difficulties while fighting for the same goal -- that is democracy and freedom.
[톈안먼 추도집회 참가 혐의, 홍콩 민주인사 조슈아 웡 등 24명 기소] 경찰이 금지한 톈안먼 희생자 추도 집회에 참가했다는 이유로 조슈아 웡과 민주당 대표인 우치와이 등 24명의 홍콩의 야권 인사들을 6일 무더기로 기소했다.
01. “prevent, frustrate and punish” The State will take necessary measures to establish a sound legal system and implementation mechanism to protect national security and to prevent, curb and punish behaviours and activities which harm national security.
【Pétition Mondiale : Sauvegarder des Droits de l'homme des Hongkongais! Exiger le retour des 12 Hongkongais!】 Nous réclamons au gouvernement hongkongais de protéger les droits des habitants de HK et de ramener les 12 détenus de Chine à HK sans délai.…
3. With the flow of information further blocked, #China is now effectively decoupling this international financial hub, as well as the major global media centre in the region, by weaponizing its visa system to stifle critical voices.
1/ To bring universal suffrage back in the agenda of Chinese & HKGov, full democratization of its government and legislature should be explicitly featured as an important condition for future annual certifications.
6/ The law may raise the costs in the future protests, but Hongkongers will not step down, just like those who fight for freedoms and political reforms under authoritarian rules and places before democratization. The atrocity ahead only makes our democratic crusades inevitable.
5/ For any institutional factors that contribute to the success of the international city, from free-flow of information, press freedom, freedoms of speech, & human rights protection, China reads them in its tyrannical mindset and views them as a threat to its autocratic control.
2/ Despite Yan’s disputed claim, suspending a user’s account is unusual, deviating from Twitter’s latest policy of labelling controversial posts since May.
[@1843mag: Gaming with Joshua Wong] 1/ Wong lives and breathes politics – even in his choice of video game. After his release from prison in 2017, he posted a picture of himself playing “Gundam Versus”, which came out while he was inside, alongside a caption, “Let’s battle”.
5/ But before further disclosure of the evidence, is it a response in proportionality to silence a #whistleblower whose life might put at risk to safeguard viewpoints that are potentially inconvenient to an oppressed regime like #CCP ?
9/ Only through collective actions among European, US, & Asian leaders, the world can call upon China stop imposing evil law. That's the way to urge China to honour its promise in the UN-filed Joint Declaration. As the necessary steps to ward off this evil law.
2/ WHO accused other countries of overreacting before their experts could even conduct field investigations in Wuhan & other affected areas. When the epidemic in China got out of hand in early Feb, it still praised the CCP’s resistance to the epidemic.
12/ It’s very likely that Chi gov attempts to cover up Wuhan-virus, which is most irresponsible thing gov can do to its people & other states. Lives of citizens & medical personnel are at stake because of gov attempt to cover up the severity of virus, instead of protecting them.
2/ Taiwan once held the status of an observer, which was cancelled by the WHO in light of Chinese pressure when President Tsai @iingwenwas duly elected. Over the decade, Taiwan was granted attendance for fifty-seven WHAs out of a hundred and eighty applications.
Wong was referring to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement in July that millions of Hongkongers with British National (Overseas) passports would be eligible to resettle in the country and enjoy a path to citizenship after the new law came into effect on June 30.
9/ Beijing has also said it will have jurisdiction over especially “serious” prosecutions. China says the powers will restore stability after a year of pro-democracy protests, will not stifle freedoms, and will only target a “very small minority”.
3/ It is beyond doubt that China is not a responsible player in world politics. Beijing is just more obsessed with suppressing dissidence against itself than the peacemaking efforts in Libya.
2/ Beijing has never stopped its crackdowns on HK’s liberty, from the arrests of tens of thousands of HK protesters, the appointment of party committee members to university board, to the recent launch of national security hotlines that encourages snitching on neighbors.
12/ Beyond any doubt, the new security law is retrospective. From opposition leaders to critical media, Beijing is now staging its outrageous political purge on the city’s dissidents. Despite Beijing’s looming authoritarian shadow, resistance is our only way out.
18/ While posts quoting the Chinese national anthem’s first line – “Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves” – were censored. Underneath President Xi’s personality cult and his rigid controls, we are the oppressed. Throughout the outbreak, we bear witness to the powerlessness of power.
4/ Any debate over the origins of the virus is indisputably contentious. Cautious to safeguard free and genuine information flow, huge strain has been put upon media platforms to tackle misinformation.
4/ Police brutality, Security Law and sweeping National Security Law will not silence our voices for justice and democracy. To support our fight for the city’s future, please join my Patreon.
【Petición global:¡Proteja los derechos humanos de HK! Pide al gobierno chino que devuelva a los 12 hongkoneses arrestados】 Solicitamos al gobierno de Hong Kong que proteja los derechos de la gente de HK y que los lleve inmediatamente de China a HK.…
2/ In case you don’t know, this line refers to President John F. Kennedy’s famous "Ich bin ein Berliner!" speech when he visited West Berlin in 1963, "Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was civis Romanus sum..........