2/The deadly new coronavirus outbreak remind us of SARS in 2003, started in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and has entered the stage of transmission among families and hospital, it is a full-blown community epidemic.
8. Given the unreliability of the test and high potential of DNA abuse for surveillance, #Hongkongers will boycott the proposed universal testing. We urge #HKgov to halt the plan and take other effective measures, such as full border seal, to curb the virus.
7/ In the face of tyranny, #HKers and people in #Belarus face the shared destiny of the oppressed, from #policebrutality, election frauds to the crackdowns on civil society. We hope the world can #standwithbelarus and other democracy pursuers in other places like #Thailand.
3.2/ This is not a question of whether our choices are easy or not, but right or wrong! To fight for any slight hope of democracy under China's authoritarian claws, we insist on not because we are strong, but because we have no other choice.
3/ 警察は日経の事務所で一体何を調べたのか、そして日経は何を資料提供したのか、まだわかりません。
6/ It’s doubtful whether those Chinese labs can refuse to hand over their DNA data if #Beijing insists on taking the data. Not to mention that #China has already stationed its #secretpolice agency in #HongKong under #nationalsecuritylaw.
World’s leading scholars on China have called for an international front in defense of university freedoms. They emphasized the increased Chinese threat since the passing of HK’s national security law that I also experienced day-by-day.
4/ Credit rating companies have warned about the erosion of #HK's of political and economic independence in recent years. Only by human rights sanctions, we can counter China’s erosion of the city’s freedoms and foreign business interests on this island.
🇭🇳Masks Arrival in Hong Kong REVEALED!@Demosiso Behind the Scenes 👀 Vlog with English subtitle.
2/ [How do you see this planned law?]
2.1/ The new law is the direct retaliation on HKers' international lobbying efforts over the past year. I will be probably the prime target of the new law since many of Beijing's officials have been criticizing me for attending hearings.
4/ This is a matter of time when China extends its Great Firewall and censorship apparatus to HK, and censors social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter. It harms not only freedom of speech, but also free flow of information & all business interests relying on it.
6/ That's something we can all relate to in our respective fights against upper-class elite political guards who want to dictate and dominate our futures.
3/ There is nothing to celebrate on my prompt release. It only illustrates how the Hong Kong government is not doing their job, they ought to be devoting the effort into helping the 12 young asylum seekers, not arresting me with the absurd anti-mask ban.
7/ With limited weapons, the whole city is now forced to fight a risky war on #coronavirus with our hands tied.
6/ Fighting for a majority in the legislative council, we are not just blocking Beijing’s tyrannical interference through the legislative process, but also showing our determination to stand up against the regime’ reign of terror, especially in the era of autocratic expansion.
6/ Beyond any doubt, China is now leveraging masks for political influence. And insincere generosity has a price. Last year Chinese embassy just openly criticized Italian parliamentarians for holding meetings to support HK, more like treating Italy as another province of China.