« Le monde va-t-il défendre Hongkong ? »
ENTRETIEN. Après une vague d'arrestations sans précédent, l'icône du mouvement démocratique fait le vœu de se « battre jusqu'à la dernière minute ». Propos recueillis par notre correspondant à Jérémy André. lepoint.fr/monde/joshua-w…
2. Since the high primary turnout demonstrates #Hongkongers’ determination for democracy and captures the world’s attention, Joshua Wong urged #China to think twice and holds itself from further imperiling the city’s autonomy and democracy with the new sweeping #NSL.
3/ The common cause that unites people in Thailand, Belarus and Hong Kong is the shared destiny of the oppressed. scmp.com/week-asia/poli…
“Aunque Beijing vete mi candidatura, no puede vetar mi capacidad para protestar”
El prominente activista prodemocracia hongkonés asegura que continuará “la resistencia” y sostiene que podría ser arrestado.
5/ I have been blacklisted and locked up by authorities in Southeast Asia as part of Bi efforts to silence me and stop me from globally engaging with students, politicians and citizens from other countries.
2/ Just within one month after the national security law was put in place, the city has been blanketed in Orwellian fear. Books were pulling from libraries. People carrying stickers with quotes from Bibles or carrying blank placards were charged for breaching the security law.
3/ When phone-cracking companies go hand in hand with #China authoritarian regime, this is more than just an infringement of civil liberties, but also a digital crackdown of political dissidence. #Hongkongprotesters
3/ The people who were snooping on us immediately raised a racket, loudly accusing us of trying to rob them. Finally, they hightailed their way to a taxi & took off, defeated. We noticed that our stalkers, in previous occasions, were all picked up by the same white-coloured car.
5/ Before the national security law has been put in place, a new national security unit has already been set up in the immigration department to vet foreign correspondents’ visa applications and renewals.
2018 - 21yo - Attend Court of Final Appeal hearing with @nathanlawkc & @alexchow18
2019 - 22yo - Leave prison on next the day of 2 millions ppl protest
2020 - 23yo - Import 1.4 million masks
2200 - 24yo - STAY AND FIGHT under National security law: bit.ly/joshuawonghk
4/ Last week China's state mouthpieces Global Times, CCTV and China News just lied to the public by claiming that the virus has been widely spread in Italy even before Wuhan's outbreak. The government also said that China donated masks to Italy for free.
'홍콩 국가보안법'이 통과된 지 한 달이 됐습니다. 이런 가운데 9월 초로 예정된 입법회 선거에서 민주파 인사 12명의 출마 자격이 박탈당했는데 대규모 민주화 시위인 '우산 혁명'을 이끌었던 '조슈아 웡'도 포함돼 있습니다. @KBSWorldTV
5/ Also when #Beijing faces more international critics after its crackdown on the city’s election, it is paving ways to arrest somebody like me, extradites to China, and takes me hostage for more diplomatic bargaining powers.
3. This is the first sanction using #HongKongHumanRightsAndDemocracyAct that was passed last year. I believe today’s visa restriction should be just the beginning.
[Pro-China non-gov bodies take the lead to shape the global perception of China]
1/ Even before the outbreak of the protest, @AsiaSociety's HK chapter that Ronnie Chan co-chaired has long been slammed for censorship and political screening in the city...
8/ 기꺼운 마음으로 여러분에게 초선 투표일에 반드시 투표해 주시기를 부탁드립니다. 이것은 누가 이기고 누구의 득표수가 높은지의 문제가 아닌 우리의 신변 안전과 개인의 어려움이 불확실성에 직면 할 수도 있다는 것의 문제입니다.
1.4/ China has been notorious for arresting dissents or foreigners in the name of national security or foreign collusion. The so-called foreign collusion is more than an excuse to rip away pro-democracy forces.
Worth to watch the comment and analysis of @jeffreychngo towards the Beijing puppet Jackie Chan. twitter.com/viceasia/statu…
15/ We are in a global health emergency, but spreading hatred would not help but create more problems. If you are really afraid of being infected, wearing a mask and improving personal hygiene would be more helpful than attacking anyone.
Over the past 8 months, #HKPolice has completely ignored guidelines & excessively used forces on citizens. Our elderly was teargassed, first-aiders were shot blind, young generations were trampled by police on their heads, foreign companies' employees were unlawfully arrested.