✅ Share your life stories or thoughts on current issues
✅ Write on printing papers
❌ Disclose personal info nor protest details as prison guards will censor all letters
❌ Cards/cardboards
❌ Shimmer ink/ accessories like stickers/bookmarks, or they will be retained
#hongkongers own them our deep gratitude for their generous support. When #HKGov is reducing into a failed state and completely mishandles #coronavirus, it proves once again that a robust civil society with strong international networks is the only way out for #HongKong.
5. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, no one would know if you will be tailed by security agents next time. But despite all forces and fear, #HKers will continue our fight for justice, as our spirit of resistance will never die. #savehk12youths #savehk12youth
3. Using its sweeping powers under #NationalSecurityLaw, #China now extends its reach to #HK media by clamping down on critical voices on media, halting flow of information to international audiences and turning the city's media outlets into state-controlled propaganda apparatus.
Joshua called HK the “new Berlin in a new cold war”. The city was then akin to West Berlin. Over the past year, China has turned it into something closer to East Berlin.
3.5/ It is foreseeable that HKers are prepared to fight to protect our vanishing freedoms. To uphold autonomy and freedoms of the city, I call upon the world to stand with HK once again, and oppose this draconian law and urge China to honour its commitment in Joint Declaration.
6. In the face of all these uncertainties, it becomes more imperative for me to use every remaining moment in the city's fight for liberty and justice. Therefore, I will continue standing with freedom-loving #HKers and fight for a better future for the city's next generations.
It's like having a pregnancy test without having birth control...to shut the border is the best way out. I called for a boycott after 3700 false-positive kits from a firm involved in the programme which had questioned the accuracy of the testing in Sweden. wionews.com/world/to-shut-…
HKGov has mishandled the virus. In short term, it may reduce the number of protests. But over long term it will just encourage more moderate, maybe even pro-Beijing people, to come out & criticize gov over things such as shortage of surgical masks. @tg2rai tg2.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/progr…
김대중 전 대통령은 살아계실 당시 민주화운동에 일생을 바치셨습니다. 그 과정에서 가택연금, 망명, 감금, 납치를 당하셨고 심지어 사형까지 선고받으셨습니다. 그런 상황 속에서도 민주화를 향해 나아간 끝에 1998년 대통령에 당선돼 2000년 노벨평화상을 받았습니다. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
3/ HK is the irreplaceable homeland for me and millions of freedom-loving HKers. With tears, blood and sweat, we have been fighting hard to safeguard the city's vanishing autonomy and freedoms over the past a year. In the future, we will continue our fight and never surrender.
While ppl worldwide living under growing authoritarian influence, I just wrote my first @LetterWiki letter to @DJtotheS w/ thoughts on how HKers respond w/ hope through persistent resistance while #China rules the city with fear under #nationalsecuritylaw
I am writing on behalf of Thais & HKers to call on Non-Lethal Technologies, Inc. to halt the sales of tear gas that were indiscriminately used to target citizens. Please make public all the instructions concerning the riot weapons that the Thai police use. patreon.com/posts/44072268
2. It is the first time that sacred texts are largely replaced by Chinese nationalistic education in religious textbooks. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, now even the controversial sinicized Christianity in #China started to expand to #HK with HK diocese kowtowing to #Beijing.
"We call upon ICAO to reverse its practice of blocking discussion of #Taiwan on Twitter & make clear publicly its understanding that freedom of expression must always supersede political insecurities of member states"
@icao, did you read this yet?
"Für das Wort und für die Freiheit - #FreeHongKong" - Joshua Wong, einer der bekanntesten Köpfe der Demokratiebewegung, berichtet über die aktuelle Situation in Hongkong und diskutiert mit der Autorin Nina George und Alexander Skipis darüber...
Joshua Wong's sharing with students from the Oxford Guild, Cambridge Guild, Imperial Finance Society, King's Business Club, Warwick Finance Societies, UCL EFS, EUTIC, and York IFS.
4. It is even more outrageous, while universities like Princeton try all means to protect their students from the threats of #nationalsecuritylaw, our tech giants just once again kowtow to #Beijing.
"We still have to let the world know that now is the time to stand with Hong Kong," he told reporters, ahead of his court appearance on Tuesday. "With the belief of Hong Kong people to fight for freedom, we will never give up and surrender to Beijing."
6/ As early as in 2013, you stressed that workplace equality is good for business, pledging to create a safe and welcoming workplace for employees and ensuring there is no need to check their identity at the door.
My first book with @Jasonyng in English, #UnfreeSpeech is out in a couple of weeks. It is an important and urgent manifesto for global democracy.
UK: penguin.co.uk/books/1119445/…
US: penguinrandomhouse.com/books/639515/u…
First the @NBA, then came @Disney and now - @Vistaprint. Kowtow to Beijing should not be the way out. twitter.com/hkdc_us/status…