Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

どうもありがとう! 俺がガンダムだ!…
🎄From summer to winter, #Hongkongers have been fighting hard for a better city for our next generations. To light up our hope in the new year, @demosisto has designed two sets of X’mas cards. 👉🏻
4. When #Beijing is paving ways for a large-scale election ban of pro-democracy runners, the forthcoming #LegCo poll in Sept will not be the election in ordinary sense. It carries grave implications, especially when legislature is the last crumbling pillar of the city’s autonomy.
3. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, it is dubious if our privacy and safety are still under protection when more evidence suggests #HK comes closer to a #secretpolicestate where citizens and foreigners can be maliciously followed by unknown agents.
🇵🇹 [Portugal tem o direto de visitar portador de passaporte detido na China] O Joshua Wong disse à agência Lusa que as autoridades portuguesas têm o direito de visitar o jovem estudante de Hong Kong com nacionalidade chinesa e portuguesa detido na China.…
Surprise! #HongKong's most notorious white cop #RupertDover, who joined the police force during the colonial era, told @SCMPNews that he stands by his decision to violently crack down on unarmed protesters this time last year.…
3. The success of #1country2systems framework is built upon international confidence in this global financial city. Beyond any doubt, Beijing's treatment is casting doubt on the city's liberty, rule of law and judicial independence.
2/ ちなみに周庭さんも自身のYouTubeチャンネルで「チー牛」騒動に言及。黄さんについて「楽しんでいるというか、あまり気にしていないので、彼は日本で器が大きいと褒められました」と紹介している。…
3. Clearly, under the new #nationalsecuritylaw, political screening covers candidates’ social media accounts, media interviews and election flyers. Even an op-ed piece could be framed as “colluding with foreign forces” and used as excuses for political purges.
4. When #Beijing scraps its promise of the city’s autonomy and extends its reach to schools, civil servants, judicial system and legislature, it is foreseeable that other countries will review their policies on Hong Kong.
3. In fact, even before the law was put in place, businessmen like Lee Bo and Xiao Jianhua have already been kidnapped by Chinese agents WITHIN the territory of #Hongkong and brought to #China. With more sweeping powers under the new law, the problem will only be more common.
5. However, fear will not scare me and all freedom-loving #Hongkongers off. We will continue our fight and let our next generations live in freedoms without fear.
최근 한국에서 며칠째 폭우가 내려 많은 피해가 발생했다는 뉴스를 보았습니다. 특히 어제는 광주, 전남에 폭우로 큰 피해가 있었다는 소식을 접하고 저와 영상통화를 했었던 故문재학 518민주열사의 어머니 김길자 여사님이 걱정이 되어 한국 친구를 통해 안부 전화를 드렸습니다.
4. But when we see brave #Belarusian and #Thai people still fighting for hope and justice under the iron fist, #HKers' fight will go on.
5. Being barred from leaving #Hongkong, it is hard for me to pursue further studies overseas, let alone high uncertainty about when I will be thrown into prison again. The clock is ticking on the days that I am still free.
The only logical conclusion is that the Communist Party today is a regime devoid of any ideology, except one: ultranationalism. This is clear not just in HK but also Macau, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet, the South China Sea, and beyond. Xi's "China Dream" is just territorial ambitions.
2. The letters have been long considered as the way to disqualify election runners since the electoral officers have huge powers to bar any candidates from running the election.
8/ Also, it should be applicable to its employees in Hong Kong. Since the saga will definitely undermine the company’s reputation and raise more doubts on its commitment to liberal values that its customers care most, I hope Apple can affirm its commitment...
Despite sanctions, Israeli firm Cellebrite sold phone-hacking tech to Venezuela… Nicolás Maduro's regime says it bought tech from Cellebrite that creates devices to extract information from mobile. Cellebrite denies plans to sell them its latest system
2. But from the content of the letters, they might have been tortured until they agreed to make forced confessions, saying they had appointed lawyers assigned by the authorities, saying they regretted taking part in activism.
McLachlin’s view appears too optimistic to me as we see NPCSC’s power of interpreting Basic Law remains as the Sword of Damocles on judicial independence.…
The last quote is from my book #UnfreeSpeech ( Thank you for the translation from @samuelharrendel (…). Here is the Chinese version:…
[Eyes and ears everywhere, both in #Hongkong and overseas] 1. Four months after #nationalsecuritylaw has become effective, #hkpolice plans to launch a new national security hotline to gather intelligence from the public via SMS, #WeChat and #Line.…
Hongkong-Aktivist Wong kandidiert für Parlament: “Wir kapitulieren nicht”… via @RND_de
3. Cages cannot lock up the people’s freedom-seeking souls, nor their voices for changes. #Thaigov must release all protesters, repeal their charges, and answer the people’s three demands now. #FreeOurFriends #ปล่อยเพื่อนเรา