6/ Political surveillance with chilling effect, sadly, has become the new reality in HK. Everyone, please take care. Do not go out alone. Stay safe.
Martin: HKers now face 2 plagues from China: the coronavirus & attacks on basic human rights. We can all hope a vaccine is soon developed for coronavirus. But once HK’s rule of law is rolled back, the fatal virus of authoritarian rule will be here to stay. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…
🇮🇹 De Li Wenliang y el coronavirus al golpe en Hong Kong: los frenéticos cinco meses en que el régimen chino mostró sus planes al mundoXi Jinping aceleró sus planes de expansión geopolítica desde el inicio de la pandemia.
[12 홍콩인 관심그룹] #save12hkyouths
1/ 2020년 8월 23일IMG_8040.PNG 홍콩인 12명이 홍콩 동남쪽 해역에서 중국 광동 해경에게 체포되었습니다. 이들은 현재 심천시에 구류된 상태입니다.
2/ 일부 가족들은 변호사를 대동하여 구류된 가족들을 만나고자 하였으나 코앞에서 거절을 당하였습니다.
It was great speaking with you on the phone. Hong Kongers stand with America in this difficult battle against COVID-19!
[Companies should find ways to reduce vulnerability to #Beijing]
1. #China’s new unreliable entity list adds one more widget to its tool kits of economic statecraft, under which it has full discretion in determining which companies are problematic.
1/ While many have turned to social media campaigns and online petitions to make their voices heard, other less obvious platforms have also risen to the fore as means of protest, including, Joshua Wong said, the Nintendo game Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
2/ Clearly hygiene measures can step up to lower the risk of infection, like what we did during the democratic primaries voting. But the govt knows only to interfere with the election that used to be free and fair, either disqualifying my candidacy or to call off the election.
We are the chosen kids. twitter.com/DM_Partners/st…
2/ It's time for Italian politicians to take precautions as China’s threat is now in your backyard. I call on to stand together & take actions to defend against authoritarian expansions. We should not stay silent, or China will just step up their offensives all over the world.
Tough choice, but consider China also lies about other things beyond the Wuhan virus, my vote is for the former! twitter.com/MarshaBlackbur…
[Write in #HongKonger on #2020Census]
An estimate of 200,000 Hong Kong people lived in the US but no HKer was recorded on the last census report. Census is a headcount of a group of people and a form of record-keeping every ten years.
3/ Workers are also required not to decorate their Memojis with yellow or black accessories, the colours that are often interpreted as pro-protest support. Apple store managers even threatened to sack workers who refuse to change their #Memoji colours.
2. Clearly #Beijing and #hkpolice attempt to create fear today when #Hongkongers staged protests urging gov to resume the #LegCo2020 election, opposing DNA collection and #nationalsecuritylaw and releasing 12 #hkers detained in #China.
5/ Especially under the newly enacted national security law in the city, Apple is also expected to play a more active role to push back on Beijing’s censorship, both overt or covert, on free expressions, including Apple’s employees.
This is how #CCP police treated Hong Kong women. Hong Kong Police must stop the use of sexual violence. 2/6
Even at the end of her career, she was up-to-date on every development and sharing her wisdom with the practice. She’ll be missed and remembered very, very fondly.”
En septembre 2020, auront lieu les élections pour le renouvellement du Conseil législatif de Hong-Kong. Les militants pro-démocratie – tels que Joshua Wong ou Nathan Law – espèrent pouvoir obtenir au moins 35 des 70 sièges disponibles. putsch.media/20200713/cultu…
30 years after #TienanmenSquareMassacre, #Beijing’s state-owned paper now framed annual candlelight vigil's organizer, #HKAlliance, as a “subversive body” that is alleged to peril national security & collude w/ foreign forces, & urged #HKgov to suppress it w/ #nationalsecuritylaw
2. Reluctant to provide sufficient public spaces for years, #hkgov also failed to provide any guidelines to blue-collars and elderly before the ban. In 30 degree heat with rounds of showers, they were forced to finish their lunch by sitting or kneeling down on city streets.
Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act, Now by @joshuawongcf amazon.com/dp/0143135716/… via @amazon