Remember when trump was elected and we openly worried tens of thousands of people would die and the economy would crumble and all the “smart” people were like “you silly liberals”
The GOP's healthcare plan is to give us all a pre-existing condition and then take away healthcare for anyone with a pre-existing condition
The most 2020 thing ever is being told to “write a letter to your reps” after the postal service has been shut down
This is like if you were the head of the Not Sitting On Your Balls Task Force, and EVERYONE in your office sat on their balls twitter.com/lrozen/status/…
“Sacrifice the Weak” has literally been the GOP platform for 40 years
Here’s a list of people who have quality, government-run healthcare: twitter.com/MeidasTouch/st…
Maybe the GOP would be more upset about 55,000 dead Americans if we put it in terms of Benghazis? (It's roughly 13,750 Bengahazis)
Biden should just run this video unedited twitter.com/therecount/sta…
306 electoral votes. Or, as Donald Trump once called it, "one of the greatest landslides anyone has ever seen" twitter.com/Nate_Cohn/stat…
@NPR Seems to me, someone cackling while a person is talking about the mass murder of schoolchildren is the story, but what do I know
Mitch McConnell threatening to go full “scorched earth” if Dems eliminate the filibuster ignores the fact that he’ll also go full “scorched earth” if Dems DON’T eliminate the filibuster
If they can’t say “Joe Biden won the election fair and square,” you should stop putting them on your Sunday show
You sacrificed, stayed home, social distanced, wore a mask, took a huge financial hit.... and the Trump administration didn’t do shit to stop this virus. You should be angry.
This is worse than the Ukraine thing twitter.com/wpjenna/status…
Imagine spending a year saying someone suffers from dementia and then getting your ass badly kicked by him
Every single TV interview with a GOP politician on the subject of gun laws should run a nonstop chyron with the amount of $$ they take from the NRA
One reason I don’t fight about politics with my (non-Jewish, Republican) in-laws is I might need them to hide me in their attic starting next year
THE WOMAN’S BODY IS NOT YET IN THE GROUND twitter.com/atrupar/status…
Every question at today’s “briefing” should just be a reporter holding up a picture of an animal and asking “What’s this?”
I'm almost scared to hear the answers, but... those of you who are privileged enough to have a cleaning person -- you're giving them paid leave, right?
Don’t tell me on twitter who you’re “writing in.” Find a child in a cage at the border, a transgender person, an African-American who’s been purged from the voter rolls, or anyone with a pre-existing condition who relies on ACA for their healthcare, and tell them to their face
If it’s Sunday, it must be Chuck Todd carrying water for GOP talking points