Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Today the people of 24 countries join HKers in 65 Global Anti-Totalitarianism rallies. In this letter, protesters guarding “the unprotected line of defense which HK forms for the free world" ask freedom-loving people to stop the CCP "before it becomes too powerful to fight off."
Police out in force today to prevent citizens from mourning the death of a man who attacked an officer with a knife last night, before turning it on himself and ending his own life. This scene says so much about the dark place Hong Kong society has been driven to at this point. twitter.com/hkcnews_com/st…
Wholesome “patriots-only” mooncakes ☺️ Via 香港地FB
Important bubble tea guide for future protest refreshment: 👮‍♂️ 喜茶 HEYTEA 👮‍♂️ 茶狼 Cha Long 👮‍♂️ 幸福堂 Xing Fu Tang 👮‍♂️ 老虎堂黑糖專売 Tiger Sugar 🎗 九份茶舍 Jiu Fen Tea House 🎗 幸茶舍 Bittersweet Teahouse 🎗 天仁茗茶 TenRen's Tea 🎗 一芳台灣水果茶 Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
These “BE WATER” mooncakes were handed out at yesterday’s protest. Inside is a message that reads: “One day we’ll return triumphant, and reunite at the bottom of the cooking pot*.” *Protest area outside the Legislative Council building
It’s astonishing that we’re now in the habit of calling HK “ungovernable.” The civic pride and capacity for self-organisation shown by HKers on June 4th is another reminder that it’s so-called ungovernability is merely a reflection of those misgoverning it. twitter.com/benjaminqiu/st…
From "We Serve with Pride and Care” to “No Burnt Villages, No Mass Graves.” This year has been a trip. twitter.com/maryhui/status…
Hardly a soul in sight on Tsim Sha Tsui’s usually bustling, luxury shop-lined Canton Road on Saturday afternoon. This is deader than I remember it ever getting over Hong Kong’s half a year of anti-government protests.
And we’re off.
ICYMI: Hong Kong, already the 5th most heavily policed territory in the world, received funding for more than 2,500 new recruits y'day—as well as $5.1 billion in additional spending and a cash handout of $25.8 billion equivalent to $85,000 per officer. rfa.org/english/news/c…
On the same night that police went through pains to protect the identities of gang members waving butchers’ knives at protesters, a student journalist was arrested for having a butter knife used to cut mooncakes in his bag. You could not make up this level of selective policing.
The national flag has just been raised and the entire city is on lockdown. Key MTR station never opened this morning and it’s just been announced every station near a planned protest will close at 1100. Meanwhile, malls all over Hong Kong have shut down. What a way to celebrate.
While we’re all reading (and/or writing) retrospectives trying to sum up the damage done by the National Security Law in Hong Kong over the past year, here’s a snapshot of what it has done within the past week alone: six civil society organisations disbanded in just as many days.