Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The march isn’t even here yet—these are just people waiting to join the march along the route.
According to advocacy group Stand Up HKUer, national security police are on campus to conduct of a search of former student union offices at HKU, including student media Campus TV and The Undergrad magazine.
Pro-establishment figures, pre-election: "The pro-democracy minority must bow to the will of the silent majority of government supporters." Pro-establishment figures, post-election: "The pro-democracy majority must bow to the will of the vocal minority of government supporters.” twitter.com/SheridanAsia/s…
One city, two systems
Watching today’s protests from Taiwan I’m shocked with how much I had, unconsciously, become desensitised over the months and accepted all this as normal. Sometimes it takes going to a functioning society with a legitimate government to remember that none of this is normal or OK. twitter.com/Reuters/status…
According to a medic who treated journalist Veby Mega Indah on Sunday after she was shot in the eye by police, the Indonesian consulate has contacted her and indicated that a case against the HK police may be brought to international court of justice. inmediahk.net/node/1067637
The air is thick with mace on Lockhart Road after police unleashed a volley of pepper balls at fleeing protesters.
Important @StandNewsHK report shows poster advertising 721 Yuen Long demo first appeared on Weibo and only on LIHKG/TG days later, with protesters warning not to fall for this trap. More proof that police narrative of "clash" between two groups is false. youtube.com/watch?v=Ds4Ann…
HK police were allocated tens of billions to recruit 1,000s more officers in the govt’s new budget this week. Yet they still have time to destroy the memorial to a student protester who tragically died. There’s so much wrong with HK it’s sometimes hard to know where to begin. twitter.com/aaronMCN/statu…
Then they came for the writers. twitter.com/krislc/status/…
Eat all the subversive cake while you still can.
Some minor corrections to the local signage.
@TiffanyAndCo For anyone who hasn’t been following the #HongKongProtests, here’s the story behind the medic who was shot in her right eye at a protest and how she became an icon for the #antiELAB movement: theguardian.com/world/2019/aug…
First arrest on Airport Rd.
Video circulating among dive instructors of a rare whale shark sighting in Hong Kong yesterday. Not revealing where because we want the critter left in peace—unlike in the Philippines or Taiwan, whale sharks are not protected in our waters, and can be legally caught and killed.
Everyone here is calling it “Hong Kong’s Dunkirk”
All it takes is a missive from state media for Hong Kong to crush a 50-year-old union that represented over 90% of education professionals in the city. Not a radical protest organisation. Not an opposition political party. Not a pro-democracy pressure group. A teachers’ union. twitter.com/hkfp/status/14…
Joining us in Taiwan today is former RTHK host Tsang Chi-ho, who used to present the satirical show Headliner before it was axed last year for “insulting” the police, and was sacked by the gov’t broadcaster with immediate effect last month.
Hong Kong’s Via Dolorosa is just beginning. Characters on the cross cast “the tyrant Carrie Lam down to Hell.”
A good time to remember Yeung Kwong, leader of the 1967 communist riots that injured 1,000s and killed 51, including 15 by leftist bombs. Most were civilians. Yeung was awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal, the highest honour in HK, and Carrie Lam offered condolences upon his death. twitter.com/doomsdayspecte…
Xinhua on Beirut: protesters clash with police, break into offices to demand political reform Xinhua on Hong Kong: foreign-controlled violent rioters with no aims worth mentioning viciously attack police officers and ransack LegCo, pushing the city to the brink of brutal anarchy
Plans for the new, $600m, publicly-funded Police Officers’ Club in Causeway Bay, acquired by @appledaily_hk, make the Royal HK Yacht Club next door look slummy–and come as top brass are being investigated for mansions illegally constructed on public land. thestandnews.com/politics/%E8%9…
She is going to lose her mind when she finds out how many Japanese restaurants there are here. twitter.com/SpokespersonCH…
Even McDonald’s in Taipei is now advertising using the phrase「缺一不可」made famous by the #HongKongProtests’ chant「五大訴求,缺一不可」(“five demands, not one less”). Unlike McDonald’s HK, owned by China’s CITIC Capital, McDonald’s Taiwan franchise is owned by a local firm.
Results are still coming in for the #HKDCElection but what we’re seeing already is astonishing: the pro-Beijing camp has lost 100s of seats. All of HK is a sea of yellow. This has been called a referendum on the protests and Lam’s government and the verdict couldn’t be clearer.