Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

In Hong Kong’s first speech crime trial under the National Security Law, protester Ma Chun-man has been sentenced to 5 years, 9 months in prison for chanting slogans. 第二代美國隊長呼「光時」港獨口號囚5年9月 news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
Allegedly an X-ray being circulated on Telegram of the form 5 student shot in the chest by police in Tsuen Wan earlier today. It shows bullet fragments just 3cm from the boy’s heart. He remains in critical condition.
Wait until he hears about this country of 23.6 million just across the Taiwan Strait that effectively prevented community outbreak, limited infections to fewer than 3 dozen, and provided all citizens with masks and sanitizer whilst preventing panic and not disrupting normal life. twitter.com/YuanfenYang/st…
On the morning that Beijing passed a sweeping new National Security Law for Hong Kong, student activists @joshuawongcf, @nathanlawkc and @chowtingagnes have all withdrawn from pro-democracy political group @demosisto.
When you march around town for hours to vox pop the people queuing outside multiple sample collection sites for the government’s controversial universal coronavirus testing programme but there’s literally no one at any of them. σ^_^;
An elected official with HK’s Democratic Party has been arrested in the middle of the night. Pro-democracy legislator Ted Hui just said Cheng is accused of forwarding details of a police officer online, which he called an abuse of the power of office to avenge personal vendettas. twitter.com/HKDemocrats/st…
My favourite new poster of the day so far: “We can print endless promotional material, but we can’t lose even one brother or sister!” 😻
Nothing gets the blood boiling quite like listening to a podcast on US-China diplomacy in which American experts talk about/over Hong Kong like it’s just some political poker chip and not home to millions of people who have been struggling for decades to decide their own fate.
A mood.
A motorbike collision is terrorism. A slogan is secessionism. For anyone hoping this trial would set a high bar for such serious charges with incredibly heavy sentences under the National Security Law, not a reassuring sign. twitter.com/hkcnews_com/st…
The most fascinating thing about #nnevvy is seeing how deeply wumao have internalised the people-party equivalency and how ineffective that tack is against people secure enough to welcome criticism of their gov't. Maybe it'll spur a few of the NMSL trolls to look in the mirror. twitter.com/GraceChiao27/s…
What a direct hit from the police water canon vehicle looks like. No mercy for protesters or reporters today.
There are also thoughtful local people who oppose these tactics and deserve to be heard, but the “this isn’t my HK” line from expats is too much. Was “your HK” not ruined by 7.21 and 8.31, by kids getting their bones broken in detention centres or shot and blinded on the street?
1) That is unbelievably offensive. 2) Shanghai’s borders (not China’s) were open to Jews because it was a foreign-run open port that didn’t require visas or passports (what China condemns as “semi-colonialism") and the Japanese never bowed to Nazi requests to exterminate them. twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post…
The water canon vehicle is running a course through Causeway Bay, unleashing bursts of pepper spray-infused water where crowds stood (before the canon advanced) on Hennessy and Jardine. As usual, journalists and medics appear to be the only ones hit.
Ukraine (currently facing a genocidal invasion) and Armenia (famously victims of a genocide denied to this day by the perpetrators) abstained. No words. twitter.com/UN_HRC/status/…
Face masks are "a signal of mutual assurance that allows a society to keep functioning during an epidemic." This is something I try to get across to people in Hong Kong (alas, mostly "expats") who refuse to mask up because they reckon they know better than the hysterical locals. twitter.com/austinramzy/st…
The turnout for today’s CHRF march is exactly what you’d expect for the first time they’ve been allowed to march since June. It’s not just Causeway/Hennessy Road: every side street from Causeway Bay through to Wan Chai is completely choked with crowds of people inching forward.
Citizens are assembling tonight to stand up for victims of San Uk Ling, a remote detention centre near the Chinese border where arrested #antiELAB protesters have allegedly suffered beatings, torture, and sexual assault, and have been denied medical care and legal assistance.
Beijing's top man on HK, VP Han Zheng, has a new solution for the city's housing crisis: pave over SW Lantau Marine Park—one of only two remaining core habitats of the Chinese white dolphin—to build public housing at literally the furthest end of HK. hk01.com/%E6%94%BF%E6%8…
Pepper balls fired down Prince Edward Rd W after a medic is arrested and crowds yell. Before riot police charged north up Tong Choi a projection on the police station spelled out the words: “8.31 beat to death,” the popular slogan decrying the indiscriminate MTR attack last year.
As HKers are imprisoned and exiled, silenced and traumatised by state violence, we get not 1 but ✌️ @PrimeVideo series about expats. This is starting to feel like cruel and unusual punishment. How much more does the city need to suffer before they care about actual HKers’ lives? twitter.com/bobbiharlow/st…
Latest from 阿塗 gives a preview of today’s Nat'l Day festivities. Protesters have yet to assemble but masked riot police are standing by at MTR stations. Telegram groups continue to see messages requesting that a user just arrested be removed and everyone delete chats with them.
With HK’s iconic Victoria Park vigil for the victims of Tiananmen Square banned by police for the first time ever, HKers have been seeking other ways to commemorate the dead. One friend of mine just did this candle-shaped run around the park as her way to keep the flame alive.
Check out this great full-spread Apple Daily feature on ethnic-minority Hongkongers (no “expats”🙅) participating in the #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests: s.nextmedia.com/apple/a.php?i=… It’s not often I get to say this, but read the comments while you’re there. They’re really heartwarming.