Jack Hazlewood(@JackHHazlewood)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

BREAKING: Chinese government authorities have confirmed in a press conference in Beijing they will discuss railroading through Article 23-like proposals for national security legislation in HK, confirming many pro-democracy activists' worst fears. Here's what it'll mean. Thread:
721. Never forget.
The first mass march in months is planned in HK tomorrow (9.6), with HK01 reporting 2000 officers will be deployed by the HK police. It has been heavily publicised - the march’s Telegram channel has 10k subscribers, & many hope it will mark the resumption of the #HongKongProtests
Breaking: Just hours after fresh CUHK graduates held a ‘Graduation March’ on campus in which they chanted & displayed slogans banned under the NSL, the HK police’s national security department announced it has launched an investigation into the incident.
Telegram users have noticed the man who is the first person arrested under the national security law had wrote ‘不要’ or ‘don’t want’ in tiny characters on his Hong Kong independence flag This will be a case to watch in court. If convicted he will get at least 3 years in prison. twitter.com/hkpoliceforce/…
On the anniversary of the 8.31 Prince Edward attack, the Taikoo Community Concern Group has bought a full page ad on Apple Daily’s A1. Another ad reads ‘8.31: an indelible memory’ - a seminal day in the #HongKongProtests in which confidence in the HK Police was further shattered.
This photo by a @StandNewsHK (立場) reporter is being extremely widely circulated - it shows the aftermath of a person being hit with a pepperball by riot police. SN report states the wound was so deep that bone was visible & police only allowed a single medic to give first aid.
Riot police have fired pepper-balls at shoppers, bystanders & journalists during a dispersal operation in MOKO mall in Mong Kok. HK-wide there have been hundreds of stop & searches & fines issued tonight. This is how Mother's Day is celebrated in Hong Kong. Vid: STMHK/Telegram.
Breaking: HK Chief Executive Carrie Lam confirms the HK government will invoke emergency laws to unprecedentedly postpone September's Legislative Council election by an entire year. Pandemic cited, but the real reason is pro-Beijing parties are set for a crushing defeat.
Today marks the first anniversary since the 616 march, the largest protest in HK’s history. Organisers estimated a monstrous crowd of 2 million +1 people marched. The +1 references protestor Leung, who’s passing the day prior inspired many who would not normally protest to do so.
Breaking: Ming Pao (明報) reports the knifeman who attacked journalists & protestors today; stabbing a pro-democracy demonstrator in the process is Kwong Sing-yu, an ex-staff member of the hardline pro-Beijing DAB, the largest pro-🇨🇳 political party in HK. news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
Now unconfirmed reports emerging that other members of @studentlocalism have also been arrested, including former spokesperson Ho Luk-chang (何諾恆). As yet unverified, also unclear if arrested under the National Security Law or not. twitter.com/JackHHazlewood…
That a year later it takes a British newspaper to unveil one of the culprits of the 721 triad attack - when 120+ faces were caught on CCTV - is proof enough of the HK govt’s de facto protection of them; all while protestors are pursued & jailed ruthlessly. thetimes.co.uk/article/cambri…
Undercover police at New Town Plaza in Sha Tin have just made a brutal arrest at the #SingWithYou protest to coincide with Chief Executive Carrie Lam's birthday. Holding suspects down with extreme & unwarranted force has become one of the hallmarks of the HK Police. Vid: Telegram
I risked brain rot to read the bluewashed 'independent' IPCC report into the HK Police (concludes the protestors, not the police, are to blame!) in full & can say the only illuminating part are the survey stats, which totally undermines the pro-🇨🇳 camp's own arguments. Thread:
A screenshot is being widely circulated showing former @studentlocalism convenor Tony Chung (鍾翰林) is active on Facebook, despite him being in custody after his arrest under the National Security Law. Many believe it’s the HK Police searching his phone & social media accounts. twitter.com/JackHHazlewood…
After the 🇨🇳 Coast Guard announced they arrested 12 people on a boat 80 miles from HK (fleeing to Taiwan), it’s being widely reported that Andy Li, arrested under the National Security Law 3 weeks ago, was onboard. Gives a sense of the utter desperation. hk01.com/%E6%94%BF%E6%8…
HKBU student journalists captured the moment a police officer in riot gear forced his foot into the knee joint of a man in custody who was struggling to squat. Treatment like this can be witnessed at literally every protest the police are present at these days. Vid: HKBUSU
Breaking: 🇬🇧 Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab confirms to the Commons that the UK will immediately suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong, & launch an arms embargo & a new "bespoke immigration route" for BNOs & their dependents, to be set out in the next few weeks. Progress.
721. Never forget.
Large crowds have gathered outside Pacific Place to mark the first anniversary since protestor Leung's passing. On their official FB page, the HK Police have stated the gathering constitutes an illegal assembly & have warned participants to leave immediately. Pics: Stand News.
Senior Superintendent Steve Li of the HK Police’s national security taskforce confirms at a police press conference that 3 men & 1 woman aged 16 to 21 (all former members of @studentlocalism) were arrested today under the National Security Law’s provisions concerning secession. twitter.com/JackHHazlewood…
Extremely worrying: Maggie Chan (陳曼琪); HK delegate to the NPC in Beijing, will present proposals to the NPC this week to implement Article 23 (national security law) without consulting LegCo. This would be the end of one country two systems, no question thestandnews.com/politics/%E6%B…
Stand News (立場) has released video footage showing one of their journalists being attacked by riot police inside Harbour City, TST. Stand condemned the police's actions & said that they will investigate, claim she was conducting an interview before being threatened & attacked.
Breaking: HK Police are raiding the offices of PORI - HK’s leading pollster; & also involved in the pro-democracy primaries this weekend. Some govt officials have said it is illegal & today PORI released a poll in which 60% agreed HK “is not a free city”. hk.appledaily.com/local/20200710…