Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

No matter what complaints the Hong Kong Bar Association might have about Tibbo, there bottom line is that he fought for many, many years to secure the safety of families that the HK government has shown little interest in protecting--and won. twitter.com/JeromeTaylor/s…
The head of Hong Kong's Department of Justice--if such a department can still be said to exist--appears to have personally intervened to deny representation to the lawyer who aided me there, in a case that seems ever-more-obviously constructed to chase him out of the territory. twitter.com/JeromeTaylor/s…
A definitely, totally unrepresentative example: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/cbdcs
A radical sharpening of tone is occurring in economic discussions—with deepening convictions as to the assignation of blame—as the ailing currencies of the prior century succumb at last to diseases born from generations of neglect. This has happened before. It will get worse.
Reporters writing on the Apple-NSO story should understand this lawsuit would not be *possible* without the years-long investigations of @citizenlab, who are close to single-handedly responsible for uncovering the bulk of what we know about the NSO group's darkest deeds. twitter.com/jsrailton/stat…
Software giants who have seen the commercial malware targeting their users should look at this as a template for imposing consequences on this predatory industry. The "business" of human-rights-violations-as-a-service must be stamped out—before it grows. apple.com/newsroom/2021/…
The @FT article on Biden's effort to bring down oil prices today could be described as, uh, "skeptical." ft.com/content/4e7f25…
“Crypto as shorthand for cryptography really was in widespread use. You could talk about crypto even on Capitol Hill and people would know what you were talking about – that really did hold a lot of, forgive this, but currency.” –@xor theguardian.com/technology/202…
@giacomozucco Zcash is the opposite: a decentralized, functional chain with a specific (and useful) purpose: enabling private transactions, something it does extremely well, even now (years later). I actually used it back then, and it worked.
There is also a strain that thinks I recently discovered Bitcoin, simply because I criticize it at times. You know that whole NSA story from almost TEN YEARS AGO? I paid for the servers that made that possible... using Bitcoin. I'm just not a maximalist. twitter.com/LastCoinStandn…
There is a strain of wealthy VC-guy who pretends to do you a favor by "warning" against Bitcoin (or whatever) while hyping centralized garbage-coins that they coincidentally happen to own an enormous stake in. If you ever make it, don't be that guy. If you are that guy, change.
Hacking the NSA is easier than parenting. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
I keep reading these scientific papers that are like "no, a baby is not capable of consciously manipulating you" and I'm like "yes, yes, so you mean the child must be possessed by an ancient spirit."
I keep trying to imagine a context in which the Federal Reserve talking about calories is not inherently alarming, but the spinning red lights and blaring klaxon make it difficult to concentrate.
"Turkey is canceled, have some soy." twitter.com/stlouisfed/sta…
You wake up and find China has moved on Taiwan. What happens to the dollar?
A consensus-challenging internet is perceived as a threat to central authority, and the surveillance and speech restrictions that have emerged in response are producing an authoritarian center of gravity. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo…
He has since issued a statement drafted by his staff: twitter.com/The_Mod_Mill/s…
I wrote a little book on this once. You may enjoy it. static.macmillan.com/static/holt/pe…
Why not define the political future of a generation based on the mean tweets of 13 to 15 year-olds? In fact, why stop at 13? There needs to be accountability for what they said as an 8-year old on Xbox Live. Subpoena their dolls! politico.com/news/2021/11/1…
Quinnipiac national poll on the job Biden is doing: Independents: Only 29% approve, 56% disapprove. Democrats: 87% approve, and just 7% disapprove. Fairly astonishing disconnect. What explains it?
Gerard Butler starring in a CIA propaganda film... sponsored by Saudi Arabia. The world of 2021 is really something. twitter.com/AndrewBartlett…
I've been using @OBSProject for years. It's good software. Accept no substitutes.