Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I'm beginning to sense a pattern in Streamlabs' behavior. twitter.com/Lightstream/st…
Congressperson (with 7 years on the Intel Committee) surprisingly denounces US surveillance law (correctly) as overbroad, calls for new limits on EO12333 and FAA702 surveillance. Says "the US is the only industrialized country that lacks an agency focused on privacy." Wow. twitter.com/maxschrems/sta…
Pension funds forced to place risky bets to avoid losing ground as staff issue warnings. That.... does not sound good. wsj.com/amp/articles/r…
I wonder how many other decisions in the history of monetary policy managed to blow up this quickly. I mean, like, a year? Jpow is basically doing a speedrun.
Well, that escalated quickly. cnbc.com/2020/08/27/pow…
Is it just me, or have search results become absolute garbage for basically every site? It's nearly impossible to discover useful information these days (outside the ArchWiki).
if 2024 is trump vs biden again you're all getting sent to your room without supper. probably more literally than any of us expect. twitter.com/PollTrackerUSA…
I understand people feel socially obligated to be like "reeeeeee glenn greenwald REEEEEE" these days because he is a reliably disagreeable obstacle to The Consensus, but few of his peers have been as loud or consistent in opposing the growing campaign against press freedoms. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
PBS tries like three different ways to get a soundbite out of @aiww to support the most oppressive US press-freedoms case in decades, and he is absolutely not having it. You should read his new book, 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows, which I reviewed here: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo… twitter.com/FiringLineShow…
The "trending" column says Bloomberg has cracked the code for offending both Americans and Europeans at the same time.
You think you've got willpower, but then you remember Satoshi Nakamoto has left untouched what will probably end up being history's greatest fortune. cointelegraph.com/news/at-what-b…
Freedom is not a goal, but a direction. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo…
Within a monoculture, there is tremendous pressure to participate in the enforcement of consensus as if it were truth, which alienates members from the possibility that truth can often stand in opposition to consensus. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo…
It's a meme, not financial advice. My financial advice is that if you're trying to find trading signals in dog memes, you should probably stop.
Wait til somebody tells them what's planned for the dollar: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/cbdcs
I mean, it's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? Sixty-five dollars?
If you think this is exciting, just wait until you hear what they have planned for the dollar in your pocket: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/cbdcs
Worry not about the highest inflation since the collapse of the Soviet Union, fellow citizen. The people in charge know what they're doing, and you can be sure that they will always put your interests first. wsj.com/articles/us-in…
inflation hits 6.2%—wiping out the raises of those lucky enough to even have a good job—parents are worried about the price of milk for their kids (when the shelves aren't empty) and the establishment is like:
"If you try to understand your country, it’s enough to put you on a collision course with the law." edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo…
For a long time now, I’ve wanted to write to you, but found myself unable. Not from illness—although that came and went—but because I refuse to put something in your inbox that I feel isn’t worth your time. This is worth it. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo…