Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

It is my belief that market forces, democratic decline, and a toxic obsession with “national security”—a euphemism for state supremacy—are drawing the US and China to meet in the middle: a common extreme. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo…
I once warned that the architecture of oppression was near. It has arrived. washingtonpost.com/world/middle_e…
The billionaire former CEO of Goldman Sachs came out of Twitter retirement specifically to gloat about corporate control of Congress. twitter.com/lloydblankfein…
@wallstreetbets 🦍🤝💪 is the independent rediscovery of solidarity by an atomized and indentured generation apprehending the rigged nature of the system. But solidarity *alone* won't win against rule-by-decree. So when they change the rules to rug you: remember it wasn't an accident. Stay mad.
rage demons in the replies ngmi twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
tesla stock price is too high imo twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
@amazon He could even pay for a union.
The "great works" of Bezos-money are ruthlessly unimaginative. You could construct vertical gardens the size of skyscrapers—in the greatest cities of the world. You could colonize the ocean floor! Nothing is impossible. But Bezos, Bezos builds a boring baby cruise ship. $500M.
The newly-elected mayor of New York City: twitter.com/ericadamsforny…
These bastards put Daniel Hale in prison for revealing that nine out of ten people they kill with drone strikes are bystanders, but they won't even slap somebody on the wrist when their criminal negligence buries the full ten perfectly innocent lives. jacobinmag.com/2021/08/daniel…
Imagine killing an aid worker. Imagine killing his family too. Imagine seven of them were actually children, smiling little tots. Then just rising from your chair to grab a coffee and saying, "mistakes were made." This is absolutely unforgivable. twitter.com/AP/status/1455…
@Aks30ya30 اگر داری تو عقل و دانش و هوش بیا بشنو حدیث گربه و موش
what explains the continuing decline in approval for a certain cadre of party elites? there are no easy answ——oh wait twitter.com/igorbobic/stat…
Moscow 2021 looks like Moscow 2077.
@TheDjOblivion People can buy any garbage they want and I'm okay with it. The problem is when they get emotionally manipulated into mortgaging the farm based on a meme's worth of understanding. If you want to drop some Happy Meals on lottery tickets, knock yourself out. But not the rent money.
also if you are mad at this tweet you probably need to reduce your position size.
i say this with love: if you got talked into exchanging your hard-earned savings for some new dog money because a meme said you'd get rich, please carefully consider your odds of outsmarting a market that sold to you its stake in *not even dog money but a CLONE of dog money*
Nothing says "healthy political culture" quite like elaborate false-flag operations in a minor regional election. Wild story by @VICENews: twitter.com/cam_joseph/sta…
One of the most harmful—and overlooked—media "innovations" is the practice of hiring professional (and even criminal) liars from intelligence organizations. The world in which the nightly news is brought to you by FBI, CIA, and NSA mouthpieces is *shockingly* dystopian. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
If you agreed with this, you may enjoy exploring what precisely the nature of that thing *is*: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
The distinction between neoliberal and neoconservative seems to have disappeared—the neos each push for the same self-destructive wars, corporate domination of politics, and unlimited authoritarian power. On the issues that matter, a neo is a neo. Don't differentiate. Retaliate.
Facebook is Facebook. Don't write about the name, write about what they do, because that's what matters. Paperwork doesn't change the nature of a thing.
corruption in congress? land sakes alive, can you imagine? twitter.com/RobertFaturech…
*whispers* bernie woulda won twitter.com/kenklippenstei…
the tiktok meta: a) five seconds of cooking, b) ten seconds of dancing, or c) fifteen seconds of crying.