Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending... the hopes of its children." twitter.com/RepBarbaraLee/…
We've come a long, long way together Through the hard times and the good I have to celebrate you, baby I have to praise you like I should twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
certainly not with that attitude twitter.com/DeItaone/statu…
remember that time when congressional progressives totally caved to neoliberal pressure on the infrastructure bill and gave up absolutely every last bit of leverage they had in return for a big heaping plate of nothing and how it was definitely a good idea? twitter.com/mkraju/status/…
You will not find this level of attention paid to the biggest press freedom case in a generation on TV, because of the neocorporate omertà that regulates Access Journalism. It's a rare event. The United Nation's Special Rapporteur on Torture is among those speaking. twitter.com/kthalps/status…
Set aside your feelings the example, for a moment. Can you imagine a US cabinet official nowadays going to jail for implementing a criminal policy? Secretary of State? Homeland Security? Attorney General? Remember what happened when "we tortured some folks?" What would it take? twitter.com/alfonslopezten…
Many reflexively criticize Omar, but she has been one of the only members in Congress with the courage to point out the only man jailed over the monstrous abuses of the classified drone program is the whistleblower who revealed that 9 out of 10 we kill are mere bystanders. twitter.com/IlhanMN/status…
CBP abused intelligence databases to trawl through the private lives of 15-20 American journalists in a manner that the Inspector General reported it to the Justice Department as a criminal conspiracy. But the government refused to prosecute. news.yahoo.com/operation-whis…
It is because I love my country that I seek to reform its government. twitter.com/CerarMilos/sta…
"Fine, whatever — I just don't like the bastard," admits another, "Assange deserves to suffer." The arbitrary punishment of those unlike you for the crime of being unlike you is the very heart of the fascism you claim to oppose. Free societies are founded on tolerance.
"But her emails," demands the partisan. "Russia!" The charges against Assange have nothing to do with either. As even @nytimes puts it, the government's case is against the award-winning "2010 publication of diplomatic and military files leaked by Chelsea Manning."
"Not a journalist," chants the mob, unwittingly lobbying for the rights to speak and publish to be afforded only to a class of corporate media businesses consecrated by the state. It doesn't matter if Assange is a hobo on a soapbox: the First Amendment protects everyone equally.
Julian Assange is one of the longest-serving political prisoners in the western world. Every level of the case against him has been shot through with corruption and the abuse of process. People justify it by reciting memes to demonstrate their allegiance. This is dystopia. twitter.com/kgosztola/stat…
This is a very big deal, and not in a good way. The dissenting judge argues this "extreme departure from accepted constitutional and procedural law" ignores all evidence and totally abandons the Fourth Amendment. The year has not been kind to the legitimacy of our court system. twitter.com/PatrickCToomey…
Roskomnadzor should immediately reverse this dangerous and self-defeating decision. Just as when they tried (and failed) to block Telegram, efforts to block @torproject won't stop criminals, but it will absolutely hurt ordinary people who depend on it for privacy. This is wrong. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Roskomnadzor (Russia's censorship bureau) is attempting to block one of the most important rights-respecting networks in the world without issuing so much as a press release. This is like banning the entire cell phone network because a drug dealer used it—without explanation. twitter.com/torproject/sta…
Können Sie es sich vorstellen? Haben sich die Zeiten geändert? twitter.com/skoldehoff/sta…
Watch this clip to the very end. It will astonish you. twitter.com/60Minutes/stat…
I wrote about this just a few months ago: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/ns-oh-god-ho…
If a Russian company was behind this, Russia would be facing double-sanctions by lunchtime. No, triple-sanctions! Oprah would be handing out sanctions to everyone in the audience. Do you think the US will be sanctioning the host nation for this company? reuters.com/technology/exc…
"What you have is a government inside a government, an undemocratic apparatus making all of the decisions beneath a shell of democracy—something that looks like a democracy and is called a democracy, but has almost none of the properties a democracy is defined by." twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
Question for actual-scientist Twitter: how long until we have a reasonable (but tentative) grasp of Omicron's novel characteristics? How many weeks are we talking?
Omicron sounds like the name of an 80s movie's evil Robot King.