Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I am skeptical that betting the political future of an entire party on "January 6th" as the enduring brand in which to invest all time and attention is going to seem as wise when elections come—in just 300 days. (Source: news.gallup.com/poll/357731/in…)
Every serious press freedom organization in the world is calling for Assange's release, and yet the government absolutely refuses to comment—because they know nothing they say can justify such a clear act of political repression. twitter.com/RSF_inter/stat…
Freezing motorists trapped overnight on a paralyzed I-95, endless lockdowns accompany the rise of internal passports, and somehow it all still feels like prologue: half-heard reports from the ignored TV in the background of a disaster film. washingtonpost.com/video/local/dr…
The US government seeks to redefine the soul of good journalism as a heinous criminal conspiracy. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
change the meta
you do know if we fail the raid, the server goes down, right
everybody trying to pvp when the game is pve
Can you chip in to help sustain @FreedomofPress in 2022? With your support, we run projects such as @SecureDrop, @uspresstracker and the Digital Security Training program. Click here to donate: freedom.press/donate/
С Новым годом!
In all my years studying classified material I was never able to discover who exactly is keeping the train- and truck-driver game industry in business. They're still out there, somewhere, and we are powerless to stop them. tram-sim.com
The government is establishing a precedent for prosecuting news organizations—anywhere on Earth—who report on an activity they would rather keep locked away in the classified dark. Do you feel safer? edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎶 ...again. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
Half the kids in school had Biblical names, but not once did I get the chance to sit next to a Jehoshaphat.
Too many have been content to accept the US government’s determination that what should properly be the highest purpose of the media — the uncovering of truth, in the face of attempts to hide it — is suddenly in doubt and quite possibly illegal. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
This Christmas may well be the last that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will spend outside the pit of an American dungeon. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
2022. It's right there, watching you.
As a measure of journalistic impact, the Pulitzer Prize holds significantly less prestige than the CIA plotting to murder you. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
Insisting that Assange is somehow “not a journalist” does nothing to take the teeth out of this precedent when the activities for which he’s been charged are indistinguishable from the activities of our most decorated investigative reporters. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
“I remember all of the day’s misinformation very clearly, and I also remember this, and I wish I did not: I remember that no one was surprised.” Joan Didion
Whistleblowers might be protected, if only they would submit themselves to “proper channels,” which is code for standing on a very particular part of the floor suspended above a tank labeled: DANGER! PIRANHAS. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
this is why people become radicalized twitter.com/aidachavez/sta…
Reminder: Amazon Web Services runs like half the internet. twitter.com/thetimes/statu…
After so many years on the internet, it should not surprise me to see people dismissing Dwight D. Eisenhower's criticisms of the Military-Industrial Complex as merely the uninformed opinion of some guy who obviously doesn't understand war, but here we are.