Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I'm just imagining some dude spending his last moments on earth drafting an unfinished tweet about M&Ms. Carpe diem.
Like, come on, guys. Be productive with your time.
people seriously discussing the footwear of candy mascots
In times of trouble, take comfort in knowing that the ol' proxy-war-via-arming-and-militarizing-random-populations strategy is definitely not the kind of short-sighted policy that everybody will soon regret. It is simply the road to peace. independent.co.uk/news/long_read…
True story: the CIA station I worked at in Europe had an enormous, wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling World Map because even career intelligence officers often had no idea where Country X was located. The number of new arrivals who confused Sweden and Switzerland would astonish you. twitter.com/SameeraKhan/st…
Very few on either side of modern conflicts are thinking critically about the consequences of their methods. Scarce are the genuine attempts at persuasion, and what passes for argument has become the tired recitation of slogan and slur. Amidst fire, we slumber and calcify.
Wow! I very much hope they enjoy it. There is some profanity in the original, but there's a Young Reader's edition that should be streamlined and especially accessible for kids: us.macmillan.com/books/97812507… twitter.com/AndysTechGarag…
I have eaten the positions that were in the orderbook and which you were probably saving for retirement Forgive me they were margined so deep and so liquid
It will never stop being funny to me that there is some kind of long-running mutual suspicion between the Danes and the Swedes, and if you ever ask them what it's all about, as soon as they overcome their shock at your total ignorance they start talking about cannons and kings.
The authors of the 36,000 furious pieces that hyped a secret plot by the Communists to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids—which perhaps could have merited more skepticism—should probably pause and reflect on how their work affected the discourse. washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
Starting to feel like this press conference was a mistake.
Beware those who water the gardens of hatred and war.
At some point, the DNC/corporate-media blob may want to reconsider whether sabotaging the candidate with a genuine, lifelong focus on the struggles of the working class was really the galaxy-brain play they imagined. (Source: news.gallup.com/poll/388781/po… )
Thieving people's medical supplies and then just... throwing them on the ground is a level of villainy the people who write scripts for cartoons would reject as unrealistic.
Scenes from the decline. twitter.com/johnschreiber/…
Il est facile d’oublier, maintenant, combien de temps tout le monde s’est battu pour que cela se produise, et très franchement, à quel point il était improbable que nous puissions réussir. Quelle fin heureuse rare et extraordinaire! journaldemontreal.com/2022/01/09/nou…
Kansas City gets right up to the line of describing Mike Pompeo as "a boot-licking little weasel whose treacherous squeaks are not to be trusted on matters with even the lowest of stakes." They probably didn't want to defame an animal. kansascity.com/opinion/editor…
The recitation of facts is increasingly viewed as political, and even offensive. That is a grim omen.
The founder of Visa's tweets are so incredibly dark I have trouble believing it's a real account. twitter.com/deewhock/statu…