Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

No matter your political religion, a courtroom legitimacy crisis is a bad omen. twitter.com/ABC/status/148…
i can't believe edward snowden is against censorship who could have known edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
Few practices are more primitive than the banning of books.
@iamtestr Please don't take medical advice from Joe Rogan.
But sure, blame the magic, third-eye radio man for the decline of basic trust in institutions. Throw him in the volcano and we'll have world peace by Monday.
I mean, just look at the logo. Which part of this primes in you an expectation of reliable medical advice?
The idea that people are, like, emerging from their deep caves, eyes blinking against the harshness of a sun whose touch they have never known, on a quest to seek specific medical advice from the glory of a white-robed Rogan is, perhaps, just the slightest bit forced. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Nobody has stronger opinions about Joe Rogan than people who have never listened to Joe Rogan.
And if you think the profligate military spending Eisenhower us warned against amounts to less than < $1,000,000,000,000.00/year based on the headline figure from defense bills, I have some bad news: thenation.com/article/archiv…
Think about the worst economic injustice you've ever seen. Think about how much it would cost to make better. And then think about the T R I L L I O N dollar budget bastards like this get Congress to rob from the nation *every year.* twitter.com/nick_cleveland…
btw I made this terrible edit myself (thanks, @openshot!), so you can repost it without anybody getting mad at you except some censorship office in China, the copyright police, and Disney—which, you know... same same. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
(Yes, the Star Wars thing is a parody, but the Fight Club thing is real.) theguardian.com/film/2022/jan/…
Yeah, China censoring the ending of Fight Club was bad but at least they left Star Wars alo—oh #ChinaEditChallenge
Somebody sounds nervous. twitter.com/AFP/status/148…
Suppose this explains the sudden interest in war. twitter.com/jessicaelgot/s…
This is not a drill. twitter.com/matthew_d_gree…
oh no
Two men posture over who is the toughest. Pressured by fear of the leering crowd's judgment, they refuse to negotiate, instead swearing ever-deeper vows as to the pain that is coming. There are no victors.
No wonder we have foreign policy problems.
Starting to realize how much "expert" coverage of a place is authored by people who haven't lived there in decades—if they ever lived there at all—and don't understand it. It's like listening to a guy who sells watches on the street seriously explain how to build a time machine.
Det er sjældent, at jeg argumenterer imod kriminelle anklager for efterretningschefer, men regeringen bør aldrig have lov til at underminere offentlighedens ret til at vide. politiken.dk/indland/art858…
Hør, det her bør være en skrigende rød alarm for alle om, at noget er helt galt... *Pressen* er efterretningstjenesten for et frit samfund. politiken.dk/indland/art858…