Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Nobody wants to opt-in to an endless PTA meeting, Mark. This does not excite.
I struggle to understand why you would invest an incomprehensible fortune to produce something so sanitized and boring that the mere thought of visiting it makes people want to log off.
Facebook's vision of VR is a derivative, lifeless world full of derivative, lifeless people. On-brand, really.
I am beginning to suspect we are not in a good place.
If the legitimacy of the courts come into question at the same time the legitimacy of our elections come into question, from what well does the government draw a mandate to govern? twitter.com/ACLU/status/14…
Netanyahu's reaction to his police's abuse of Pegasus reminds me of Merkel's reaction to NSA mass surveillance: when the victims were "merely" the global public, she dutifully papered over it. Only when her own name was discovered on the target list did it become a true scandal.
Every serious press freedom group in the world has petitioned the Biden administration to drop the political charges against Assange even Obama rejected, citing the tremendous damage to First Amendment freedoms. Every day Biden stonewalls, we suffer for it—Assange most of all: twitter.com/Stella_Assange…
The Assange NFT is doing real numbers. Very much looks like a protest vote against the White House's abuse of the Espionage Act. twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
Has there been a single point in the last twentysome years where it has been possible to stomach a news report on the foreign-policy thinking of anonymously-quoted "senior US officials" without suffering a cringing sense of embarrassment? We really haven't been sending our best.
Twitter just introduced downvotes: an exciting new feature that lets you help the algorithm make this place an even bigger echo chamber than it already is.
anyone who questions a statement delivered from a podium is a tool of the russians, the islamic state, or both sorry, you know the rules
This is wild. The State Department's spokesman can't comprehend why the Associated Press feels the need to distinguish between a claim and a fact, and becomes visibly offended—and then angered—by the suggestion that his claims may require evidence to be accepted as credible. twitter.com/thehill/status…
"...you can all but smell the fear on the streets. Even in zip codes where violent crime was once unheard of, residents are starting to sweat." Crime, censorship, cold war politics... really beginning to feel like a decade of moral panics is on the menu. lamag.com/citythinkblog/…
TIME paints here a very different picture of the Ukraine crisis, reporting that it is a drive to censor and criminalize the domestic political opposition—a drive encouraged by the White House—that has brought some to believe war is the only option. time.com/6144109/russia…
Even anime is contemplating how we shift the burdens of war.
Biden’s Justice Department promised to support a strong journalist shield law. So why hasn’t it? Sen. @RonWyden calls @TheJusticeDept's delays "extremely frustrating, and frankly unacceptable." The wider media should follow up on this. freedom.press/news/bidens-ju…
This has happened year after year since the program began. twitter.com/CNN/status/148…
It's like patting someone on the back, but with bricks of $100 bills. twitter.com/schwartzbCNBC/…
In a just society, there are no prisons except for people that make kitchenware demand an internet connection. twitter.com/isislovecruft/…
The Streisand Effect is alive and well. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
What does it mean when a poll generates more quote-tweets than retweets? twitter.com/ABC/status/148…