Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

And for those who question the correctness of the proposition, please refer to the tweet replies below in which loyalists from both parties agree that it was ugly, but each fully absolves their own party of any responsibility and places it entirely on the "enemy" party.
No matter what side of the aisle you're on, everyone agrees 2016 was an ugly, ugly election: two parties ready to burn civility to the ground in a mad contest for power at any price. The core question today is if 2024 will be better... or worse. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
In Israel, the only way to uncover the truth of a phone hacking scandal in which cops may have destroyed evidence is... to ask for help from a company that has routinely lied to cover up scandals in the past? How very modern. haaretz.com/israel-news/.p…
@elonmusk I shouldn't have cyberbullied you over that one anime tweet. That was wrong of me, and I apologize.
Sometimes it only takes a few people with the right skills to undermine a censorship campaign. "9 servers he raised alone had 155,762 users from Kazakhstan between January 4 and 11." codastory.com/authoritarian-…
“Is it in my shoe?” he asked me at one point, taking his blue Nike off and peering at it. “You have to tell me. I don’t want to destroy my shoe looking for it.”
"The internet of things — our things — is coming alive around us, digitally frisking us as we walk by to see if we’re carrying anything of interest." nytimes.com/2022/02/11/tec…
When you see snide quote-tweets of this from the boot-licking think-tank crowd, look at the ratio and remember that even if they're loud, they are in the minority. Being pro-war is not smart, cool, or sophisticated, and their performative outrage doesn't change that. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
⬇️ Thread: Expert legal analysis on the CIA's backdoor searches of Americans' records. ⬇️ twitter.com/LizaGoitein/st…
"Nothing will fundamentally change," he said. washingtonpost.com/politics/senat…
The CIA is not your friend. The CIA is not a friend of the United States. The CIA is a friend of power, and power alone. washingtonpost.com/politics/senat…
You are about to witness an enormous political debate in which the spy agencies and their apologists on TV tell you this is normal and OK and the CIA doesn't know how many Americans are in the database or even how they got there anyway. But it is not ok. washingtonpost.com/politics/senat…
This is the systematic construction of a surveillance state that will dominate the rest of our lives. People brushing this off with "duh" or "I'm not surprised" should take this seriously: elections are months away. Vote out any politician who defends this in the slightest way. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Huge: CIA mass ("bulk") surveillance has been carried out “entirely outside the statutory framework, and without any judicial, congressional or even executive branch oversight. The nature and full extent was withheld even from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence." twitter.com/ACLU/status/14…
Once upon a time, just *copying* a top secret document was enough to get you prosecuted. Ask me how I know. twitter.com/washingtonpost…
Inflation up 7.5% 📈 Wages down 1.7% 📉 It must be an economic miracle. cnbc.com/2022/02/10/inf…
Setting aside for a moment the politics of it, officials in many countries (see article) clearly fear the spread of working-class bridge blockades as a new protest tactic. There is genuine alarm at the idea a group of laborers can shut a city down. apnews.com/article/corona…
Remember when everybody said this guy was suffering from mental illness? Can't understand why.
The United States Department of Justice seems to be alleging this tweet was authored by a man who was holding three billion dollars in stolen bitcoin... in a cloud account. You know, that place trivially accessible to the US government. (via @dystopiabreaker) twitter.com/unrealdutch/st…
Looks like something very interesting may be happening in smartphone security. (GrapheneOS is a much more secure variant of the Android operating system, but has traditionally only been supported on Google's Pixel phone.) twitter.com/GrapheneOS/sta…
it's not VR if i can't get into a fistfight with kermit the frog
Wikileaks has managed to raise ~$50M seemingly without any notice at all by major media. Fifty. Million. Dollars. probably nothing twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
congratulations on inventing LinkedIn: The Game good luck with your stock price twitter.com/Snowden/status…