Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Harassing people over small political donations does not pass the public interest test. Did a ghoulish corporation or nefarious billionaire funnel $1,000,000 to protestors? Sure, expose them. But chasing down grandma over her pocket money is a reprehensible violation of privacy. twitter.com/esaagar/status…
Another unequivocal claim by Biden that the question of war has been decided. I've been a huge skeptic, and I very much hope he's wrong, but he's putting generational credibility on the line in a way that worries even me. If he's right, stonewalling Minsk II is hard to justify. twitter.com/laurenegambino…
psst psssst *whispers* bernie would've won twitter.com/jonallendc/sta…
some days it feels like the future of social media is every word you type being autocorrected by ronald mcdonald
Well, I guess now we know where the student debt relief funds went. twitter.com/Reuters/status…
"Gas prices are coming off their seventh straight weekly advance." news.yahoo.com/here-comes-7-g…
@01_fjodor Der Bitcoin ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln
Bitcoin is the continuation of politics by other means.
If "corporations are people, my friend" could be snorted, these guys are would show you how.
Fact-checkers out here leaping on hand grenades to shelter (precious baby angel) corporations from any suggestion that (fair, well-earned) profit margins might have a closer connection to (reluctant, justifiable) price inflation than (wicked, hell-born) modest wage increases. twitter.com/TeddieRedder/s…
"The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a misunderstood tale of strategic genius," said exactly one person in all of human history. twitter.com/MaxAbrahms/sta…
Got some bad news, Jimbo. twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/sta…
if you don't remember this you are blessed
sometimes i still think about how twitter spent a whole week being mad at a mom for writing an article on mother's day about being glad she had kids
everyone who disagrees with me is a russian agent
The state will never be better than we require it to be.
If there's an invasion tomorrow, dunk on me because I have been spectacularly wrong. But remember, too that the source of my skepticism is that the US IC has (again) been making truly spectacular claims without presenting any evidence -- because you did not require it of them.
I want to see an end to the conflict in Ukraine, and frankly, I think all reasonable people share that position. The question nobody seems to want to contend with is whether amplifying official claims made without evidence are reducing hostilities, or are in fact provoking them.
So... if nobody shows up for the invasion Biden scheduled for tomorrow morning at 3AM, I'm not saying your journalistic credibility was instrumentalized as part of one of those disinformation campaigns you like to write about, but you should at least consider the possibility. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
please can we just get through the week without a war or anyth—
Coinbase spending $16,000,000 on a Superbowl ad to direct people to their website and $0 to make sure that website doesn't crash 10 seconds after the ad starts is so very internet.
People have been angry at me for a long time for saying the thing they'd rather not hear. It's fine, I'm used to it; but let me tell you: it never gets easier.