Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Bonne chance. Le monde en a besoin. twitter.com/BenjMathieu/st…
"The American whistleblower is tweeting this FROM RUSSIA!" is not the dunk you imagine. Britain is casting an Australian publisher into the oubliette for publishing what even the US admits was true information, and it makes you feel superior? You're hissing into a mirror. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Hard to believe, but it looks real. Every serious press freedom group in the world has protested this. It is an appalling symbol of how far the British and American governments' commitment to human rights has declined. How can we condemn authoritarian abuses abroad like this? twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
Introduce gravitas into your everyday parenting by replacing the pedestrian, "Let me hold the baby" with a baritone "Bring the child to me."
Gold is just bitcoin that can't be sent over the internet.
"trump's sophisticated seven-part plan." oh sure, let's bet the future of an entire party on a historically unpopular ruling class's ability to persuade everyone that the same guy who can't maintain his focus through even seven sentences was secretly a mastermind. this is wise.
every day this site has people just absolutely volcanic over something that will never matter see you tomorrow
There were two phases of my life: when I was unable to get up in the morning, and when I had kids.
With two kids under two, it feels like I have forgotten the meaning of a "free hour." Even when they're asleep, you're planning or shopping or reading for them. I don't know how parents ever get anything done.
Children have their own gravity—one that attracts time.
Happy Mother's Day, darlin. Welcome to the world, son. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
Neither a law nor a court can truly justify the revocation of a human right; the most fundamental of our freedoms are inabrogable. The repression of such an essential liberty may be effective, for a time, but it cannot be legitimate.
Someone may have put a lot on the line to warn you of this. It doesn't matter who they are or why they did it: their role is complete. What matters now is how you respond. apnews.com/article/suprem…
I'm not suspended from the ceiling above a barrel of acid by a rope that burns a little faster every time I tweet, you concern-trolling ghouls. I've just lost any confidence I had that sharing my thinking on this particular topic continues to be useful, because I called it wrong.
"A free press can be good or bad, but without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad." As someone called worse things by bigger names, lawsuits against newspapers over hurt feelings—and even false claims—are not the answer. Won't fix people, but will harm rights. twitter.com/greg_price11/s…
I don't think I've ever seen anything like that.
"You cannot travel into the area unless you have proof of exclusion." twitter.com/OttawaPolice/s…
Governments claiming the authority to *freeze people's bank accounts* because they want to crush a protest movement is tyrannical and obscene. If you would oppose China or Russia doing it, you must oppose Canada doing it. Very glad @cancivlib exists. ccla.org/press-release/…
Politics now ask you to define yourself by who you hate, rather than what you love.
This possibility is frankly so terrible to me it is difficult to even contemplate. I still remember red scars on the streets of Sarajevo, the "Sarajevska ruža" remembering those killed by mortar fire. Kyiv is bigger than Sarajevo. Than Grozny. Than Fallujah. Just unthinkable. twitter.com/KevinRothrock/…